Hi, as you may guess I’m very new to psychopy! This is the first experiment I’m building!
OS : Win10
PsychoPy version: v.18.85.2
What are you trying to achieve?: At the very start of the experiment I ask the participant for consent. I want a ‘y’ keypress (yes I consent) to allow the participant to continue with the experiment. I want an ‘n’ keypress (no consent) to continue to a ‘thank you now go’ page.
What did you try to make it work?: I found a solution for a similar problem on the forum- the person had 2 images (I am presenting the consent page and thank you go information as jpegs) . The 2 images were shown simultaneously - but one of the images was set to 0 opacity. Then they used a code which said if x key is pressed then the opacity of the 2nd image is changed to 1. So it then becomes visible… I put it in the ‘each frame’ section.
if event.getKeys(‘n’): # if n key pushed,
noConsent.opacity = 1.0 # make noConsent appear
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
Both ‘y’ an ‘n’ keypresses continue to the experiment and the ‘thank you, next’ image is never shown.