URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
I had previously created a psychopy experiment that worked correctly both locally and online. In this experiment, I had specified ‘additional resources’ using the ‘online’ tab of the experiment settings.
Then today, I wanted to copy that experiment and use it in a new folder with new stimuli. First I copied only the .psyexp file. However, it would not compile a .py or a .js file (using the compile buttons from the builder view). The error message was “[filename.py or filename.js] Not a file!”.
So then I copied the .py and .js files from the original folder to the new folder, and I hit the ‘compile’ buttons again.
The problem I have is that the .py and .js files in the new folder do not reflect changes I have made in the builder view. The only important change is the files that I am changing in the ‘additional resources’ area of the ‘online’ tab of the experiment settings. When I try to run the experiment, it doesn’t work because it is looking for resources that aren’t in the new folder.
I am tempted to manually edit the .js file (just the dictionary for resources) but based on what I have read here, that seems like the wrong thing to do. I did try to add a code component with a resources dictionary (in the ‘before experiment’ tab), but again the the compiled .js did not reflect this change.