I would like to share with you my code to get a timer during my experiment, only when two keys are pressed (‘up’, ‘down’).
The experimental condition lasts 10 minutes during which the time must be refreshed every 2 minutes. When keys are pressed, the timer appears at the center of the screen in two different colors (depending on the key) over a grey rectangle. Let’s call the two timer components ‘check’ and ‘clock’. ‘Check’ can be pressed for a maximum of 3 times within the 2 minutes. ‘Clock’ has no limits. The experiment has been created in the Builder and we added code components to it to get the clock. Rectangle and keys are set as components in the builder. Moreover, a text component has been added to define the timer by means of this formula: str(int(math.floor(round($t)/60))) + ':' + str(int(round($t)-60*math.floor(round($t)/60)))
The code to display the timer, and the whole experiment, work fine on a pc with Psychopy version 3.0.6 where triggers were set via parallel port. In my actual lab I can’t use parallel port to connect the pc stimulation to the EGI system with which I work. Thus, I need to set triggers via serial port by means of the library ‘egi pynetstation’ that is supported from version 2022 of Psychopy. Unfortunately, the same code is not working on Psychopy 2022.2.4.
Do you have any clue on why it is happening? Is there some update in the module clock of Psychopy?
When I press ‘check’ the rectangle appears for milliseconds and it can’t be pressed anymore. Whereas pressing ‘clock’ the rectangle appears and keeps displayed until the end of the routine. The timer never appears.
Any suggestion would help me a lot, thank you very much!
Here it is the code components for the timer:
- For ‘check’
in Begin Routine tab
Checktime = 0
wrongtime = 0
keyCheckPressed = False
CheckDelay = 2
wrongDelay = 0.5
refresh = 120
k = 0
i = 0
m = 1
r = 1
In Each frame tab
for k in range (1,5):
if 'down' in check_resp.keys:
i = i + 1
Checktime = t + CheckDelay
keyCheckPressed = True
if i<=3:
check_txt.opacity = 1
check_box.opacity = 1
thisExp.addData('RT_check_'+str(r)+'_'+str(m), check_resp.rt)
m = m + 1
r = r + 1
if i >=4:
check_txt.opacity = 0
check_box.opacity = 0
thisExp.addData('RT_check_99_', check_resp.rt)
if t > Checktime and keyCheckPressed:
check_txt.opacity = 0
check_box.opacity = 0
keyCheckPressed = False
check_resp_allKeys = []
check_resp.keys = []
check_resp.rt = []
if round(t) == k*refresh:
i = 0
k = k+1
- For ‘clock’
in Begin Routine tab
Clocktime = 0
keyClockPressed = False
ClockDelay = 1
n = 1
p = 1
In Each frame tab
for k in range (1,5):
if 'up' in clock_resp.keys and len(clock_resp.keys) > 0:
Clocktime = t + ClockDelay
keyClockPressed = True
clock_txt.opacity = 1
clock_box.opacity = 1
n = n + 1
p = p + 1
clock_resp_allKeys = []
clock_resp.keys = []
clock_resp.rt = []
if t > Clocktime and keyClockPressed:
clock_txt.opacity = 0
clock_box.opacity = 0
keyClockPressed = False
if round(t) == k*refresh:
k = k+1
j = k*10
n = 1
Clocktime = 0