I am creating a change blindness experiment in a Psychopy v1.84.1.
In a single routine, I have two images that are presented for .36s each (there is just one slight difference between the two images). A blank screen is presented for .12s in between the two images as well as after the second image. This routine then enters a loop for 40trials, creating flashing images. Participants are required to watch the flashing images and detect the change, hitting the spacebar when they have found it.
I have managed to get the loop to work so that when the spacebar is hit once, both the routine and the loop terminate. However, what I am interested in is how long it has taken the participant to notice the change, i.e. RT of spacebar press. But, when I look in the excel output file, each row shows each trial, so that the RT for the spacebar press is only in relation to the beginning of that single trial. Therefore, it might say that the RT is 0.56s but actually because that participant is in trial 30, it has taken them quite a while longer to detect the change!
Does anyone have any advice on a code component I could add in to make sure that I am accurately recording RT from the very beginning of the onset of the flashing images, i.e. beginning of trial 1?