I have an online experiment where I think I’m being very clever in creating stimulus lists in code ahead of time but am getting an error I can’t solve. I was hoping someone might be able to give me a hint.
I have two code components running in an initial routine, both as Begin Experiment.
The first:
zip = function zip() {
var args = .slice.call(arguments);
var shortest = args.length==0 ? : args.reduce(function(a,b){
return a.length<b.length ? a : b
});return shortest.map(function(_,i){ return args.map(function(array){return array[i]}) });
The second:
shuffle = util.shuffle;
Array.prototype.append = .push;#List of images
MaleImages = [‘013_y_m_n_b.jpg’, #note these are all the same just for the purpose of testing
FemaleImages = [‘013_y_m_n_b.jpg’,
#Take a random half of male and female images, to be used with the r and s names of each type
RMaleImages = MaleImages[0:17]
SMaleImages = MaleImages[18:35]RFemaleImages = FemaleImages[0:17]
SFemaleImages = FemaleImages[18:35]#List of names
MaleNamesR = [“Abel”, “Allen”, “Lewis”, “Linus”, “Lorne”, “Lou”, “Lyle”, “Miles”, “Milo”, “Morris”, “Moses”, “Nathan”, “Noam”, “Noel”, “Owen”, “Ronin”, “Warren”, “Will”]
MaleNamesS = [“Eric”, “Hector”, “Chris”, “Curtis”, “Kirk”, “Ted”, “Titus”, “Tucker”, “Tate”, “Terry”, “Pierce”, “Carter”, “Kipp”, “Kurt”, “Jack”, “Victor”, “Garrett”, “Zach”]
FemaleNamesR = [“Anne”, “Joanna”, “June”, “Lanah”, “Laurel”, “Lauren”, “Lois”, “Luna”, “Mara”, “Marla”, “Megan”, “Mona”, “Myah”, “Noelle”, “Norah”, “Nya”, “Renee”, “Rosanne”]
FemaleNamesS = [“Rita”, “Erica”, “Etta”, “Patty”, “Christie”, “Katie”, “Kasey”, “Petra”, “Kathy”, “Katia”, “Kate”, “Trista”, “Tracy”, “Pippa”, “Tessa”, “Tia”, “Greta”, “Yvette”]
shuffle(FemaleNamesS)#Combine names with images
MRStim = list(zip(MaleNamesR, RMaleImages))
MSStim = list(zip(MaleNamesS, SMaleImages))
FRStim = list(zip(FemaleNamesR, RFemaleImages))
FSStim = list(zip(FemaleNamesS, SFemaleImages))#Make a r and a s set
RStim = MRStim.concat(FRStim)
SStim = MSStim.concat(FSStim)shuffle(RStim)
AdjectivesR = [“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “10”, “11”, “12”, “13”, “14”, “15”, “16”, “17”, “18”, “19”, “20”, “21”, “22”, “23”, “24”, “25”, “26”, “27”, “28”, “29”, “30”, “31”, “32”, “34”, “35”, “36”]
AdjectivesS = [“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “10”, “11”, “12”, “13”, “14”, “15”, “16”, “17”, “18”, “19”, “20”, “21”, “22”, “23”, “24”, “25”, “26”, “27”, “28”, “29”, “30”, “31”, “32”, “34”, “35”, “36”]
shuffle(AdjectivesS)#Combine adjectives names and images
RStimAdj = list(zip(RStim, AdjectivesR))
SStimAdj = list(zip(SStim, AdjectivesS))#Combine r and s trial stim
Trials = RStimAdj.concat(SStimAdj)
shuffle(Trials)#Unzip into stim
Names, Images, Adjectives = zip(*Trials)Names = list(Names)
Images = list(Images)
Adjectives = list(Adjectives)AllTrials = [Names, Images, Adjectives]
Then names are referenced in a later routine like this:
However I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)
I can’t figure out what’s wrong because very similar code works for me in another experiment.
Would really appreciate any ideas!