Following a recent paper suggesting that response duration can provide unique information to reaction times, I am trying to record durations. According to the manual, duration should be accessible, but I get messages that its undefined.
Using the following code in ‘Every frame’, I can get the name of the response and the RT, but not duration.
if key_resp.keys:
print("resp made")
#for key in keys:
# print(, key.rt, key.duration)
continueRoutine = False
I’ve tried with ioHub and psychtoolbox as the input keyboard backend and neither provide duration. They both give the error AttributeError: 'Keyboard' object has no attribute 'duration'
I’ve also tried retrieving the key information, but that doesn’t work either.
if key_resp.keys:
keys = key_resp.getKeys(['a','l'], waitRelease=True)
for key in keys:
print(, key.rt, key.duration)
Is there something else I can try? Here’s a small test experiment:
test_resp_duration.psyexp (15.3 KB)