CanAttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'maxDurationReached'

OS MAC OS Sonome 14.3:
PsychoPy version 2024.2.2
**Standard Standalone? yes

I have just started on an experiment in builder were I am calculating press rate per second. The routine runs and gets to the end, then crashes with this error:

AttributeError: ‘float’ object has no attribute ‘maxDurationReached’

Looked at it in the coder, doesn’t tell me a lot as I am working in builder and need to fix the problem there preferably. But I guess this is something that psychopy wrote as I have nothing in my code in builder with these variables.

Please could you show more of your error message? I suspect that you have used the same name for two things.

Hey, it is fixed! you suggestion was right I accidentally had the same name for the routine and a variable in my code :slight_smile:
Thank you for a quick response!