can psychoy do this Radial sine grating stimulation?
Certainly. We haven’t actually added RadialStim to the Builder but it’s accessible using code (e.g. via a Code Component)
Here’s a demo script:
from psychopy import visual, event, core
win = visual.Window([800, 800])
globalClock = core.Clock()
# Make two wedges (in opposite contrast) and alternate them for flashing
radialGrating = visual.RadialStim(win, tex='sinXsin', color=1, size=1,
visibleWedge=[0, 360], radialCycles=4, angularCycles=0,
autoLog=False) # this stim changes too much for autologging to be useful
t = 0
contractRate = 0.01 # cycles per sec
while not event.getKeys():
t = globalClock.getTime()
radialGrating.radialPhase -= contractRate
thank you so much~