thanks for the suggestion and sorry for the long time to respond. It took me a while to work this out.
I tried following the suggestion in the link, but the result was actually the opposite of what I was looking for: a mask with opacity decreasing with distance fro m the center. I am not sure why this happened. Below is my code, with pieces of the suggestion in the link:
from psychopy import visual
import numpy as np
import pyglet.gl
bg_col = -1.0
Screen = 0
FullScreen = False
# Monitor settings
Monitor = 'S22C150'
if Monitor == 'S22C150':
screenRes = [1920,1080]
screenX = 51.18
screenY = 31.08
pixDeg = screenRes[0]/screenX
#Setup window
win = visual.Window(screenRes, color = [bg_col] * 3, units='pix', allowGUI=False, fullscr=FullScreen, screen = Screen, monitor = Monitor)
# Create RDK and mask
dots = visual.DotStim(win, nDots = 500, coherence = 1, fieldPos=(0.0, 0.0), fieldSize= 14.7 * pixDeg,
fieldShape = 'circle', dotSize = 0.1 * pixDeg, dotLife = 5, dir=180, speed = 13.0/60 * pixDeg, color = 'white',
units = 'pix', opacity = 1.0, contrast = 1.0, depth = 0, signalDots = 'same', noiseDots = 'walk')
dotsMask = visual.GratingStim(win,mask= "raisedCos", tex = np.ones([256,256]) * bg_col, units = "pix", size= [256,256])
# Show masked stimulus
f = 0
while f < 240:
f += 1
So I did some further search, and found an alternative solution in the old forum, which consists of creating a mask using visual.filters.makeMask, using raisedCosine instead of gaussian, multiplying it by -1 to invert it, and applying to a gratingStim to be drawn on top of the RDK. This worked well:
from psychopy import visual
import numpy as np
Screen = 0
FullScreen = False
# Monitor settings
Monitor = 'S22C150'
if Monitor == 'S22C150':
screenRes = [1920,1080]
screenX = 51.18
screenY = 31.08
pixDeg = screenRes[0]/screenX
#Setup window
win = visual.Window(screenRes, color="grey", units='pix', allowGUI=False, fullscr=FullScreen, screen = Screen, monitor = Monitor)
# Create RDK and mask
dots = visual.DotStim(win, nDots = 500, coherence = 1, fieldPos=(0.0, 0.0), fieldSize= 14.7 * pixDeg,
fieldShape = 'circle', dotSize = 0.1 * pixDeg, dotLife = 5, dir=180, speed = 13.0/60 * pixDeg, color = 'white',
units = 'pix', opacity = 1.0, contrast = 1.0, depth = 0, signalDots = 'same', noiseDots = 'walk')
visibleArea = (14.7/2) * pixDeg
zeroOpacArea = (4.9 + 0.5) * pixDeg
shadedArea = (visibleArea - zeroOpacArea)/visibleArea
# Create a raisedCosine mask array and assign it to a Grating stimulus (grey outside, transparent inside)
raisedCosTexture = visual.filters.makeMask(14.7 * pixDeg, shape= 'raisedCosine', fringeWidth= shadedArea, radius = [1.0, 1.0])
invRaisedCosTexture = -raisedCosTexture # inverts mask to blur edges instead of center
dotsMask = visual.GratingStim(win, mask = invRaisedCosTexture, tex=None, contrast= 1.0, size=(15.2 * pixDeg, 15.2 * pixDeg), color = 'grey')
f = 0
while f < 240:
f += 1
However, I would still like to clarify why the solution suggested in the previous responses did not work, if possible.
Thanks for the help!