Automating survey completion after embedded video playback

OS (e.g. Win10): macOS15.2
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2024.2.4

My experiment involves playing videos (~40 clips) to participants, who then answer a question after watching each clip.

How can I set up the survey so that it automatically completes and returns to the experiment once the video finishes playing? Currently, I can only set it up that participants need to manually click a button to end the survey, which cannot be disabled until the video finishes. However, this allows participants to skip the video and proceed directly to answer the question. Is there a way to ensure the survey progresses automatically after the video concludes, preventing users from skipping it?

Thanks a lot!!

Are you just using Pavlovia Surveys to present youTube videos?

Here is another possibility that doesn’t involve embedded surveys.

There is also an experimental feature which hasn’t yet been incorporated into PsychoPy which you could try. It involves using a custom PsychoJS library instead of the standard one. This is what it looks like. Please let me know if you want to give it a try.