Audio problem: selecting PTB as preferred audio engine in v2023 1.2

Ok so I’ve found where I select the PTB library under settings - audio. However, when I run the experiment now, it gets through one presentation in the first loop, and then crashes when it comes to the next presentation within that first loop, with this error:

70.2505     INFO     Loaded monitor calibration from ['2022_09_22 09:31']
70.4948     INFO     Investigating repo at C:\Users\___________\Research\Online Stroop\verbal_load_no_async
96.0607     INFO     Loaded monitor calibration from ['2022_09_22 09:31']
Generating PsychoPy script...

## Running: C:\Users\____________\Research\Online Stroop\verbal_load_no_async\ ##
pygame 2.1.0 (SDL 2.0.16, Python 3.8.10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\______\Research\Online Stroop\verbal_load_no_async\", line 1412, in <module>
    elif VerbalLoadMemoryTestAudio.isFinished:
AttributeError: 'SoundPTB' object has no attribute 'isFinished'
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:24472] #################
129.3744     INFO     Loaded monitor calibration from ['2022_09_22 09:31']

I’m not sure what 'SoundPTB' object has no attribute 'isFinished' means?