Wrong with change python code to js

I am new to psychopy and am trying to write an experiment.
However, when I changed my code to js, it reminded me: /* Syntax Error: Fix Python code */. I think the problem is because of the function validate_sequence(sequence) part. But I have no idea how to solve this.
Thank you very much for your help.

def generate_sequence():
    Os = 24
    Ss = 6
    sequence = ['O']  # 第一个元素是O
    if generate_valid_sequence(sequence, Os - 1, Ss):  # -1 因为已经放入了第一个O
        return sequence

def generate_valid_sequence(sequence, Os, Ss):
    if Os == 0 and Ss == 0:
        return validate_sequence(sequence + ['O'])  # 最后一个元素是O

    # 尝试在当前序列后面添加一个'O'
    if Os > 0:
        if generate_valid_sequence(sequence, Os - 1, Ss):
            return True
        sequence.pop()  # 回溯

    # 尝试在当前序列后面添加一个'S'
    if Ss > 0:
        if generate_valid_sequence(sequence, Os, Ss - 1):
            return True
        sequence.pop()  # 回溯

    return False

def validate_sequence(sequence):
    # 检查第一个和最后一个是否为O
    if sequence[0] == 'S' or sequence[-1] == 'S':
        return False

    # 检查是否有连续的两个S
    i = 0
    while i < len(sequence) - 1:
        if sequence[i] == 'S' and sequence[i+1] == 'S':
            return False
        i += 1

    # 检查O的最大连续数是否超过7
    max_consecutive_Os = 0
    current_consecutive_Os = 0
    i = 0
    while i < len(sequence):
        if sequence[i] == 'O':
            current_consecutive_Os += 1
            max_consecutive_Os = max(max_consecutive_Os, current_consecutive_Os)
            current_consecutive_Os = 0
        i += 1

    if max_consecutive_Os > 7:
        return False

    return True

# 生成符合条件的序列
sequence = generate_sequence()

# 定义TextStim对象用于显示O或S
stim = visual.TextStim(win, text='', height=0.3, color='black')

# 定义刺激点
fixation = visual.TextStim(win, text='·', height=0.15, color='black')

# 定义反馈提示的TextStim对象
feedback = visual.TextStim(win, text='', height=0.1, font='Arial Unicode MS')

# 按顺序呈现每个刺激点和字符
i = 0
while i < len(sequence):
    item = sequence[i]
    # 首先呈现250ms的刺激点
    # 然后呈现O或S字符
    stim.text = item
    # 等待0.5秒的反应时间
    keys = event.waitKeys(maxWait=0.5, keyList=['return'])
    # 根据反应与字符类型显示相应的反馈
    if item == 'O':
        if keys:  # 如果按了Enter键
            feedback.text = "正确反应"
            feedback.color = 'green'
        else:  # 如果没有按键
            feedback.text = "错误,你应该做出反应"
            feedback.color = 'red'
    elif item == 'S':
        if keys:  # 如果按了Enter键
            feedback.text = "错误,你应该停止反应"
            feedback.color = 'red'
        else:  # 如果没有按键
            feedback.text = "正确停止反应"
            feedback.color = 'green'
    # 显示反馈
    core.wait(0.5)  # 显示反馈0.5秒
    # 检查退出条件,如按下'escape'键
    if 'escape' in event.getKeys():
    i += 1

# 关闭窗口

I find that the problem should be in the code below, but I still don’t know why I can’t convert.
while i < len(sequence) - 1: if sequence[i] == 'S' and sequence[i+1] == 'S': return False i += 1

When I copy the code in your post into PsychoPy it translates it to JS without any problems, so I’m not sure why it would be different for you. Are you using an older version of PsychoPy?

If the specific section you copied is the problem on your computer, try using a “for” loop instead.

    for i in range(0, len(sequence)-1):
        if sequence[i] == 'S' and sequence[i+1] == 'S':
            return False

There is a problem with Python 3.10 which means the translation fails on lists like a[b[c]]. This has been fixed in the latest PsychoPy but a[b.thisN] still fails so I’m still using Python 3.8

I appreciate your help. I tried to write similar code, but still couldn’t convert to js

This is me pasting your code into a code component.

However, this is unlikely to generate a working experiment online since it has been written in coder not Builder.

Sorry, I’m better at code than PsychoPy. This is the first time I’ve tried PsychoPy.
I need to create a pseudo-cyclic presentation of the stimulus, that is, the stimulus I define as “S” does not occur twice in a row within the same set of stimuli. I don’t know how to use the loop in the builder to complete the above function, so I choose to insert the code for the entire loop in a routine. Is there any way to implement this experiment through a loop?
If anyone would like to answer this puzzle, I would be very grateful.

See here: Randomisation without consecutive presentations - #2 by Michael