Wakefield's Daily Tips

Setting colours in code

In Python colours are simply defined by a list of three numbers, representing red, green and blue on a scale of -1 to +1.

Online you have to define a colour object using these three numbers. Builder components make this conversion automatically. However, if you are setting a colour in code then the Python pologon.setFillColor("white") would need to be manually translated into pologon.setFillColor(new util.Color("white"))

To avoid this manual translation, I create colour objects in a Both code component in my setup routine.

For example:


white = "white"
grey = [0, 0, 0]
transparent = None;


white = new util.Color("white");
grey = new util.Color([0, 0, 0]);
transparent = null;

Then polygon.setFillColor(white) or text.setColor(grey) will work in an Auto translated code component.