Variables for allowKeys aren't supported for JS yet: JS allowkey problem

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:

Hello, I have some problems.
I made an experiment but it is working only on local.
the bottom error message is this:

File "C:\Program File “C:\Program Files\PsychoPy\lib\site-packages\psychopy\experiment\components\”, line 321, in writeFrameCodeJS
“Variables for allowKeys aren’t supported for JS yet”)
psychopy.experiment.utils.CodeGenerationException: Variables for allowKeys aren’t supported for JS yet:

I found a problem and that was “allowed key” issue.
I used ‘Letter’ condition file(loop) for allowed key and it is well working on python but it’s not working on JS.
I have to proceed my experiment on online(JS) so if somebody know the solution of this problem, please help me.

im2 (220.8 KB)


you have to allow all keys. You could untick “force end of routine” and then put the following code in Each Frame

if extrial_resp1_9.keys:
     if Letter in extrial_resp1_9.keys:
          continueRoutine = False

Finally my experiment working well. Thank you for your great help!!! :grinning: :+1:


I have one more question.
I used the following code in Each Frame, it’s working on online well.
( if extrial_resp1_9.keys:
if Letter in extrial_resp1_9.keys:
continueRoutine = False)

but another problem was here.
After using this code, the duration(resp.key) didn’t working so I added the following code(image1,2).
It is working well on local but it’s not working on online. when I start it on online, there’s an error(image3): TypeError:core.Clock is not a constructor.
I searched for this error and changed to Both from auto->js(like image1,2), but still it’s not working on online.
If you have any idea for this issue, please let me know.
Thanks a lot.

Best regard,


Clocks need to be defined in a Both component. The JS is myClock = new util.Clock();

Only do this once (Begin Experiment. Then you can reset and read in an Auto component

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you always save me Thanks a lot!!! :+1: