Using thresholds from an interleaved staircase

Is it possible to use the thresholds acquired from an interleaved staircase and use them in a consecutive experiment?

I have created three consecutive interleaved staircases: first visual, second auditory and, last one, mixed from both. I just cannot see a way of using the thresholds from first and second parts to use as a startVal for the last part.

I have used Builder to create the experiment and, of course, I could use some code to accomplish that. I just don’t see how to “find” the variables achieved for each of the points in the interleaved staircase at first and second parts and use them at the last one (8 visual points and 8 audio frequencies, all them used in the third part). I am also aware that this is not critical and I could just use the same start values. But I could use the data for other stuff as well. Like creating graphs from the results of each part.

I am using last version from PsychoPy on Windows 10.

Thanks for any help.