Hi there, I am looking for some coding and conceptual understanding help.
OS (e.g. Win10): Win10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2021.2.3
What are you trying to achieve?:
I am trying to code/build an experiment which contains 4 parts:
- first the participants sees a face with an emotion and then chooses a specific colour in hsv color space
- participants chooses preference facial emotions (e.g. anger vs fear) repeatedly for many emotion combination
- participants chooses preference colours (e.g. custom colour (yellow) vs custom colour (brown) repeatedly for many custom colour combination
- two colours are displayed and an facial emotion in four conditions in random order:
- one custom colour matching the emotion, one custom colour that does not
- one custom colour that does not matches, one randomly selected colour
- one custom colour that matches the emotion, one randomly selected colour
- two randomly selected colours
What did you try to make it work?:
I started of trying to save the custom color (hsv_colour), so it is now in the data frame, and
seeing whether I could recall it in another polygon
My request is to get a workflow, where I can do the four conditions mentioned above. Because I can really grasp how to do this.
** I have tried** this:
## each frame
h = hueSlider.getRating() or 0
s = satSlider.getRating() or 0
v = valSlider.getRating() or 0
## end routine
#save final colour into data frame
hsv_colour = [hueSlider.getRating(),satSlider.getRating(),valSlider.getRating()]
#into data frame for each trial
trials.addData('hsv.colour', hsv_colour)
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
Include pasted full error message if possible. “That didn’t work” is not enough information.
But I get this error when trying: