Update slider labels in every trial

Hello guys,

I am using the latest version of Psychopy on Windows 10. I just want to know if it is possible to update labels at every repeat (every trial) of a task. There is the $ sign on the labels field of the slider, but no selection box to change it from “constant” to “set every repeat” as can be done for size or position. I tried to use a sheet column to update the labels, but the column name won’t be recognized by the label field.

If anyone would give me alternative solutions, I am implementing a Ishihara test with Psychopy and I would like to update five possible responses (numbers of the plates) on each trial. No problems setting up the components, including a slider for responses and the plate image, but I could not update the labels on every trial.

Of course I could create five text components and update each one, but couldn’t it be done directly with the labels?

Thanks for the help!

This thread might help.

Hello, thanks for your answer. I solved it “manually”, defining a text component for each position and leaving the text as variables on the stimuli file (xlsx). But I’ll look into this solution also!

Hi There,

Yes sorry this is a known issue and the dev team are working on a fix for the next release. For now your manual solution is indeed what I would suggest.


Ah, thanks a lot for the update, Becca!

My protocol, in the end, turn out great! It is a loop for the AUDIT scale, that has specific answers for almost each one of the ten questions in the scale. I used your tip for the pop up button! Thanks for the youtube videos and keep them coming!


I’m interested in knowing how you solved the issue

I’m facing a similar one myself where i want the slider labels to change every repeat like in a conditions xslx but i have no clue whatsoever (cannot even find the setting where labels change every repeat) Could i please know how you did it ?

Many thanks.

Hi platypusfetus (interesting name! haha),

I am sorry to tell you that there is no miracle solution. By manual, I mean that I had to put a text component to every possible answer of my likert scale and, for each of these components, I had a variable in the excel file.

So, each one of these Audit components (1 to 5) is a variable text that I can “set to every repeat” and I manually aligned these to the Slider of the routine. It works great after everything is in place.

And the slider I just left with no labels. I would love to show you this, but as always, one of the recent updates from Psychopy changed how the software referenced/call/deal (idk) things and this particular experiment isn’t running anymore. I am sorry I cannot debug it right now to print screens. This routine composition screen should help, though!



thanks for that pic !
I’ve set it up so that it more or less works the same (with text components and mouse clicks instead)

Many thanks,