'undefined' data save

Description of the problem:

The experiment itself runs absolutley fine on pavlovia, however, it never saves any of the data. It always downloads a csv file that just says ‘undefined’. I’ve not encountered this kind of problem before, usually it is with running the experiment in the first place. Has anyone encountered this before? Or has an idea if I am missing something obvious?

Thanks already!

Have you made any edits to…

The participant field in Experiment Settings

The name of location of the data file in Experiment Settings / Data

Code related to data saving?

Does it work okay locally?

Thanks for responding so quickly!

I don’t quite think I follow all of your suggestions. I’ve checked again and locally saving seems to do fine.

Where exactly are the experiment settings that you suggest I look at? I can find them neither on pavlovia nor git.

I am using an older version of js psych and therfore an older pavlovia plug in (js psych 6.2 and pavlovia jspsych-pavlovia-3.0.6-tp.js) as I’ve adapted an old script. Could this be the issue? Further, I coded the experiment in js psych (re-read my intial comment and noticed I hadn’t specified). Should there be any experiment settings I am not finding?

I’ve switched your message to the jsPsych category since you aren’t using PsychoPy. Have a look in this category for threads about data saving.

I will have a look, thank you.