UnboundLocalError in SR Research Builder Demo: EyelinkPicture_Builder.psyexp

Hello everyone,

I am a beginner in both Python and PsychoPy, so any detailed guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I’m experiencing an issue while running the “EyeLinkPicture_Builder” demo provided by SR Research in PsychoPy Builder. Below are the details of the problem:

Problem Description:
I encountered the following error message when trying to run the demo file:

File "S:\eyelink_devKit\EyeLink\SampleExperiments\Python\examples\Psychopy_examples\Builder\EyeLinkPicture_Builder\EyeLinkPicture_Builder_lastrun.py", line 1808, in <module>
File "S:\eyelink_devKit\EyeLink\SampleExperiments\Python\examples\Psychopy_examples\Builder\EyeLinkPicture_Builder\EyeLinkPicture_Builder_lastrun.py", line 667, in run
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'el_tracker' referenced before assignment
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:29300] #################

PsychoPy Version: 2024.1.5
Operating System: Windows 11

Steps Taken:

  1. I have ensured that all necessary files and dependencies are in place.
  2. I have checked the script to see if el_tracker is properly initialized before being used.

To address the issue of validating file names, I made the following changes before encountering the el_tracker error:

#loop until we get a valid filename
while True:
    dlg = gui.Dlg(dlg_title)
    dlg.addField('File Name:', edf_fname)
    # show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel
    ok_data = dlg.show()
    if dlg.OK:  # if ok_data is not None
        print('EDF data filename: {}'.format(ok_data['File Name:']))
        print('user cancelled')

    # get the string entered by the experimenter
    tmp_str = dlg.data['File Name:']
    # strip trailing characters, ignore the ".edf" extension
    edf_fname = tmp_str.rstrip().split('.')[0]

    # check if the filename is valid (length <= 8 & no special char)
    allowed_char = ascii_letters + digits + '_'
    if not all([c in allowed_char for c in edf_fname]):
        print('ERROR: Invalid EDF filename')
    elif len(edf_fname) > 8:
        print('ERROR: EDF filename should not exceed 8 characters')

Specifically, I changed ok_data[0] to ok_data['File Name:']and tmp_str = dlg.data[0] to tmp_str = dlg.data['File Name:']. Despite these changes, the error persists.

Any help or guidance on how to fix this error would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I may have made some naive mistakes, and I will reply in a short while

The pylink package should be compatible with the version of PsychoPy you are using. Make sure to check compatibility issues, especially when using demo files provided by SR Research.