Unable to give feedback on answers

hi, @asucha1, if you mean how to show a key response, you have to add a code component and a text component. the text component (showresponse) you just leave blank.

then in the code component you put:

Begin Experiment

import string
allLetters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)

Begin Routine

textFill = ''

Each Frame

keys = event.getKeys()
if 'escape' in keys:
    core.quit()  # So you can quit
    if keys:
        if keys[0] == 'space':
            textFill += ' '  # Adds a space instead of 'space'
        elif keys[0] == 'backspace':
            textFill = textFill[:-1]  # Deletes
        elif keys[0] in allLetters:
            textFill+=keys[0]  # Adds character to text if in alphabet.
        showresponse.setText(textFill)  # Set new text on screen

here’s a topic on that if you need more