Unable to give feedback on answers

Probably the easiest way to do this would be to just list what you deem to be acceptable in your correct answer column. So your column would look like this:

|corrAns.          |

And then just have this in a code component:

if key_resp_1.keys in corrAns:
     msg = 'correct'

Unfortunately I have over 500 words and that would be very lengthy. I actually did come up with a solution, and thought that I would share it. I switched over to coder view and implemented this code.

        if text_11.status == STARTED and t >= frameRemains:
        if text_11.status == STARTED:  # only update if drawing
            text_11.setText(corrAns, log=False)
        countForPerc = 0
        wordSizeOfAns = len(corrAns) #Get the size of ans
        percentNeeded = wordSizeOfAns * 0.8 #number for percent right needed based off size of word
        totalForGreen = int(round(percentNeeded)) #round to compare for count
        #If the number changes..may need to make sure it round down and not to nearest.
        for i, s in enumerate(difflib.ndiff(TypeIn.keys, corrAns)): #function for diff in words
            if s[0]=='': continue
            elif s[0]=='-' or s[0]=='+':
                countForPerc += 1
            else: continue
        correctPercEntered = False
        if countForPerc <= totalForGreen: #if the messup is <= 80%, allow
            correctPercEntered = True
        if correctPercEntered == True:
            text_11.color = ('Green')
            text_11.color = ('Red')

This way, if the participant response has an 80% overlap with the correct answer, then they will get feedback that their response is correct.

Hi All,

I am trying to replicate what @Lzgordon and @Oli did, but running into an error message:

if key_resp_2.keys == list(corrAns):
NameError: name ā€˜corrAnsā€™ is not defined

(The error is referring to the bit of code in the end of the routineā€¦)

if key_resp_2.keys == list(corrAns):
msg = ā€˜CORRECTā€™
trials.addData(ā€˜correctā€™, 1) #where trials is the name of the loop
trials.addData(ā€˜responseā€™, ā€˜ā€™.join(key_resp_2.keys))

My excel file for conditions is attached to the loop, and looks like this. It displays the $stim just fine, so I canā€™t understand why the corrAns bit is having problems.
58 PM

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Sorry to revive this thread but I am trying something similar but easier. I am presenting a string of characters to participants and asking them to simply count the number of characters that are in bold. The sequence is actually repeated over and the counting task is a means of sustaining attention to that sequence order. I wanted a feedback screen to test their cumulative count and have tried to use the code below:

if key_resp_2.keys == corrAns:
    msg = 'Correct'

    msg = 'Incorrect, the answer was %s'  %corrAns

I then have an Excel spreadsheet with one column corrAns with a single answer in it. Within this loop I have the question screen during which the participant inputs their answer. After this is the feedback screen with the code above. The training runs fine but no matter what number is put in, the response screen always says that the answer is wrong, even if I constrain the input button on the question screen to the right answer. I cannot figure out how to get around it. Any ideas?

I would also like to have a double digit answer as my repeated sequence will be 66 characters long so Iā€™d like an answer to be >10 but <25. How do I code the feedback screen to pick up on the double digits?

Sorry it also comes up with this warning message in the PsychoPy output as well:

FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
if key_resp_2.keys == corrAns:

Not sure if it is relevant.

Hi, can you tell me how you were able to allow a written response and show it on the screen? I am super new to this is just need a lot a lot of help!

hi, @asucha1, if you mean how to show a key response, you have to add a code component and a text component. the text component (showresponse) you just leave blank.

then in the code component you put:

Begin Experiment

import string
allLetters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)

Begin Routine

textFill = ''

Each Frame

keys = event.getKeys()
if 'escape' in keys:
    core.quit()  # So you can quit
    if keys:
        if keys[0] == 'space':
            textFill += ' '  # Adds a space instead of 'space'
        elif keys[0] == 'backspace':
            textFill = textFill[:-1]  # Deletes
        elif keys[0] in allLetters:
            textFill+=keys[0]  # Adds character to text if in alphabet.
        showresponse.setText(textFill)  # Set new text on screen

hereā€™s a topic on that if you need more

The code provided by @smile667 works great for letters but I do not need participants to enter letters, just numbers. Is there a way to adapt the code to allow participants to enter digits?

Thanks for you help!

Hi @nhage

You can use this code:

# Begin Experiment
allNums = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']
screen_text = ''

# Each frame
key_estimate = event.getKeys()
if 'escape' in key_estimate:
    core.quit()  # So you can quit

    if key:
        if key [0] == 'backspace':
            screen_text = screen_text[:-1]  # Deletes backspace
            if len (screen_text) > 2: #set how many digits you want from participants
                screen_text = screen_text[:-1]
        elif key_estimate [0] in allNums:
            screen_text+=key_estimate[0]  # display numbers
            if len (screen_text) > 2:
                screen_text = screen_text[:-1]
        elif key [0] == 'return':
            if len (screen_text) >= 0 and int(screen_text) <= 59: # do not allow them to enter number greater than 59
                continueRoutine = False
                continueRoutine = True

# End routine
thisExp.addData ("final_estimate", screen_text)