I am creating an experiment in the Builder. Part of the experiment involves participants looking at a sinusoidal grating at different orientations and contrast values. I accomplish this using a linked Excel sheet with “GratingOrientation” and “GratingContrast” columns with filled-in predefined values. However, I am getting an error which sometimes crashes my experiment immediately, and sometimes after a few trials. I am getting the following error messages, which I believe have to do with the display:
It seems as if the contrast values are being assigned the type “NoneType” which seems problematic. I have asked for help from various programmers familiar with PsychoPy, and they suspect the error might be due to me running the experiment on a Mac instead of a Windows. I wanted to gain further clarification on these error messages. I am using a Mac and PsychoPy v2022.2.1. Thank you.