TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘anchor’

PsychoPy version 2022.2.5
Standard Standalone? (y/n) YES
What are you trying to achieve?: Play mp4 files

I am trying to get the builder to play video files (mp4). at first I used moviepy but the audio and video was out of sync. This happened on various different computers.

Then I used ffpyplayer, it seems to play the video fine but then there is a repeat, like an echo, at the end of each video. I have selected “force end of routine”, but this does not resolve it

I have tried to use vlc but i get the following error “TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘anchor’”
i have installed vlc player 64 bit version. I can play the videos in coder using “VlcMovieStim”, however I get the “anchor” error in builder.

Has anyone encountered this error? Any help would be most appreciated.