"TypeError: engine is not a symbol" when using Google Speech-to-text

I am trying to use Google speech to text for the transcription.
Everything else works but as soon as I activate it I get the Error message: TypeError: engine is not a symbol
I followed the tutorial on the website/Youtube and also placed my API key in my profile with the name sound.AudioClip.Engine.GOOGLE as was described in another thread but it still doesnt work.
Help would be greatly appreciated!

Do you have a case mismatch? The error message says engine but your API key says Engine.

Thanks for the reply! No because I had this error before I added sound.AudioClip.Engine.GOOGLE

What line does the error come from?

I’m having the same issue, were you able to get a resolution? For context on my current issue see this post.

  • The key we add to the profile is the API key for the service account, correct?
  • What should the name of the key be since the previous discussions seem to imply that is a factor? (I tried with both “Engine” and “engine” as well as both cases for google)
  • Debugging the javascript leads me to the following:
    From the generated experiment:
    const transcription = await mic.lastClip.transcribe({
      languageCode: 'en-US',
      engine: sound.AudioClip.Engine.google,
      wordList: null

and the upstream error at AudioClip.js:187

const fullEngineName = `sound.AudioClip.Engine.${Symbol.keyFor(engine)}`;

I’ve confirmed the transcription is set to use Google and the apikey is a match for the I created in Google’s console.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.