Hi there,
I’m quite inexperienced with Javascript so have been trying to stick to creating my study in the PsychoPy GUI. I have an experiment where participants hear 4 sound files then answer four questions (2 per screen) - a radio response, slider response, text box entry and another slider response. Participants press the ‘return’ key to continue to the next screen, but I don’t want them to continue until they’ve attempted each question. I’ve added some code elements based on this forum: Don't take key press until slider response is made! - #23 by tkallies
It now works perfectly when I run it through PsychoPy locally but spits out the following message when running online: TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘return’ in undefined.
As I have almost no experience with Javascript, I’ve been finding it a bit difficult to understand where the bits of code should be added in the code elements…
Here is my experiment file:
task.psyexp (84.0 KB)
Thank you for any assistance in advance! And apologies for my naivety!