Typed text in Text box doesn't appear in Pavlovia

Hi There,

OK this does look like a bug. I’m flagging to the JS team textbox not editable · Issue #295 · psychopy/psychojs · GitHub

For now I have added a patch to your experiment so that is uses a legacy version of PsychoJS. You can access those files here Rebecca Hirst / Experiment3_TextboxFirst · GitLab.

Important here is that in experiment settings in your online tab export html is set to manual. Until we have a permanent fix you will need to do the following when making edits:

  1. after making edits in builder select file > export html
  2. open the file called Experiment3_TextboxFirst.js in a text editor and replace the import lines with the following:
import { PsychoJS } from './custom-lib/core-2020.2.js';
import * as core from './custom-lib/core-2020.2.js';
import { TrialHandler } from './custom-lib/data-2020.2.js';
import { Scheduler } from './custom-lib/util-2020.2.js';
import * as visual from './custom-lib/visual-2020.2.js';
import * as sound from './custom-lib/sound-2020.2.js';
import * as util from './custom-lib/util-2020.2.js';

To load the legacy psychojs.
3. sync to pavlovia.

Sorry this is a bit of a work around but hopefully this suits for now and we will keep you posted when we have a more permanent fix!
