I’m struggling with finding the right way to translate this PsychoPy Code to JS:
position = mouse.getPos()
posa = position [0]
posb = position [1]
buttons = mouse.getPressed()
#if buttons[0] == 1:
# print position
# buttons[0] = 0
if posa > pos1-0.14 and posa < pos1+0.14:
if posb > pos2-0.0625 and posb < pos2+0.0625:
if buttons[0] == 1:
(followed by an if code that I already translated into JS)
What I’m trying to do here is creating a box (image that was already connected with the mouse) with the coordinates of the picture, so that participants click on that image and are then able to continue the trial.
What I did so far is this:
var position = mouse.getPos()
var posa = position [0]
var posb = position [1]
var buttons = mouse.getPressed()
#if buttons[0] == 1:
# print position
# buttons[0] = 0
if (posa > pos1-0.14 && posa < pos1+0.14) {
if (posb > pos2-0.0625 && posb < pos2+0.0625) {
if (buttons[0] == 1) {
Any suggestions?
Hi @rebecca.shane, if you are trying to get participants to click on a button (image) to continue, there are two options.
Without code
Go to your mouse component, and add the name of your clickable image to the clickable stimuli
field, and set your mouse to end the trial on valid click
With code
Use the JS code component and get the trial to end when the image contains the mouse and the mouse button is down:
if ( image.contains(mouse.getPos()) && mouse.getPressed()[0] === 1 ) {
continueRoutine = false;
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Thank you for the reply! I already implemented the “Without Code” option, but the routine is a bit more complex, which is why I need a code.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to implement the “With Code” option in my code.
This would be the full code:
position = mouse.getPos()
posa = position [0]
posb = position [1]
buttons = mouse.getPressed()
#if buttons[0] == 1:
print position
buttons[0] = 0
if (posa > pos1+0.65 && posa < pos1+0.75) {
if (posb > pos2-0.75 && posb < pos2-0.65) {
if (buttons[0] == 1) {
if(slider.getRating() == right1){
if(slider_2.getRating() == right2){
if(slider_3.getRating() == right3){
if(slider_4.getRating() == right4){
if(mouse.getPressed()) {continueRoutine = false}
The participants need to click on 4 sliders to indicate 4 answers and only then the “next” button should get them to the next practice trial.
How should I write it?
Ok, well try the following Py/JS in the “Each Frame” tab of the code component. It checks whether all sliders have ratings. If any one has no rating, it will not allow the routine to end. The last bit of code is for your button, which is probably either a polygon or image stim? It checks whether the mouse is clicked in the image, and whether allowContinue is true (it will only be true if all sliders have ratings.
allowContinue = True
for each in [slider, slider_2, slider_3, slider_4]:
if each.getRating() == None:
allowContinue = False
if mouse.isPressedIn(yourButton) and allowContinue:
continueRoutine = False
allowContinue = true
for (let each of [slider, slider_2, slider_3, slider_4]) {
if (each.getRating() === undefined || each.getRating() === "undefined") {
allowContinue = false;
if (yourButton.contains(mouse.getPos()) && mouse.getPressed()[0] === 1 && allowContinue)
continueRoutine = false;
Thats how I would do it, your code would be the following in Python:
position = mouse.getPos()
posa = position [0]
posb = position [1]
buttons = mouse.getPressed()
if slider.getRating() == right1 and slider_2.getRating() == right2 and slider_3.getRating() == right3 and slider_4.getRating() == right4:
if posa > pos1+0.65 and posa < pos1+0.75 and posb > pos2-0.75 and posb < pos2-0.65:
if buttons[0] == 1:
continueRoutine = False
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