Terminate the loop after 4 correct responses in a row in Pavlovia

Description of the problem:
Hi, I had no luck finding a way to terminate the loop after 4 correct responses in a row. Do you have any suggestions? my loop name is trials_voice, and my response component name is keyresp_sound.
So far I managed to terminate the task after they have 4 correct responses in total, but not in a row. Thank you.

js: Begin experiment

js: each frame

if (keyresp_sound.corr === 1) {
correctCount = correctCount + 1;

if ((correctCount === 4)) {
continueRoutine = false;
trials_voice.finished = true;

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You just need to set the counter back to 0 if they make a mistake:

if (keyresp_sound.corr === 1) {
    correctCount = correctCount + 1;
} else {
    correctCount = 0;
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Thank you so much. It fixed my problem.