Stuck on initializing

When I clicked on the link, I had all of this information. I could not find “WelcomeClock = core.Clock()”. I am not sure what to do now.

var t;
var frameN;
var continueRoutine;
var _welcomekey_resp_allKeys;
var WelcomeComponents;
function WelcomeRoutineBegin(snapshot) {
return async function () {
TrialHandler.fromSnapshot(snapshot); // ensure that .thisN vals are up to date

//--- Prepare to start Routine 'Welcome' ---
t = 0;
WelcomeClock.reset(); // clock
frameN = -1;
continueRoutine = true; // until we're told otherwise
// update component parameters for each repeat
psychoJS.experiment.addData('Welcome.started', globalClock.getTime());
welcometest.setText('\n**Welcome**\nThank you for participating in this study!\n \nIn this experiment, you will read sentences word-by-word. \n*You have to read as quickly and accurately as you can*\n\nOnce you have read a word, press SPACE to proceed \nto the next one. You need to answer some follow-up \nquestions about those sentences by pressing Y for \nYES or N for NO. \n\nOnce you are ready, press SPACE to begin the five practice trials.\n\n ');
welcomekey_resp.keys = undefined;
welcomekey_resp.rt = undefined;
_welcomekey_resp_allKeys = [];
// keep track of which components have finished
WelcomeComponents = [];

for (const thisComponent of WelcomeComponents)
  if ('status' in thisComponent)

I found this codes in experiment1.JS.

Thank you again for your time and effort,


This should be Welcome_Clock.reset() to match the clock you defined.

I think it worked, but then I have another error message!
I really apologize. I know I asked a lot of questions.

Here is also the codes:
Welcome_Clock.reset(); // clock
frameN = -1;
continueRoutine = true; // until we’re told otherwise
// update component parameters for each repeat
psychoJS.experiment.addData(‘Welcome.started’, globalClock.getTime());
welcometest.setText('\nWelcome\nThank you for participating in this study!\n \nIn this experiment, you will read sentences word-by-word. \nYou have to read as quickly and accurately as you can\n\nOnce you have read a word, press SPACE to proceed \nto the next one. You need to answer some follow-up \nquestions about those sentences by pressing Y for \nYES or N for NO. \n\nOnce you are ready, press SPACE to begin the five practice trials.\n\n ');
welcomekey_resp.keys = undefined;
welcomekey_resp.rt = undefined;
_welcomekey_resp_allKeys = ;
// keep track of which components have finished
WelcomeComponents = ;

for (const thisComponent of WelcomeComponents)
  if ('status' in thisComponent)
    thisComponent.status = PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED;
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;


This is the same issue.

You have WelcomeComponents.and Wrlcome_Components

Thank you so much. Words cannot express my gratitude. My experiment finally works online. I have a tiny issue. Could you please help me with it? After the last word in each sentence in my SPR experiment, the “Hello World” phrase appears! I do not know where it comes from. Any ideas?

Are those coming from a spreadsheet? If so then you probably have a blank row at the bottom.

I do not think so because I added the row numbers in my trails to avoid the blank rows. For example, in sentence 1, I assigned the row from 0:20 and so on.

In that case, please could you start a new topic for that error, giving details of any text components that could be showing Hello World (which is what happens when you have an undefined variable).

Sure. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.