Stuck on "initialising the experiment"

URL of experiment: WM MA Arithmetic [PsychoPy]

Description of the problem: The experiment runs fine locally but then gets stuck on “initialising the experiment” when I try to run it online. I’m a complete beginner so am rather stumped with what to start playing around with for fear of breaking the local version too!

I’m struggling to find the common thread with other people who have had the same problem to see what my issue might be. I have code chunks included but as far as I can tell they aren’t importing anything, which is a suggestion I’ve seen a few times.

Not sure if the online link will work so I’ll try to copy the local experiment here:
WM MA Arithmetic.psyexp (125.7 KB)

If anyone has any suggestions, that would be super useful.

Stuck on initializing means that you have a syntax error somewhere in your JS - do you have any code components? if so please share them


I have quite a few so it may be easier to try and see them in the file I attached, but I will copy them here too in the hopes that helps.

Verbal recall:
Begin routine:
respDisplay = “”;
maxDigits = 100;

//key logger defaults
last_len = 0
key_list =

Each frame:
//if a new key has been pressed since last time
if(keyResp.keys != undefined && keyResp.keys.length > last_len) {

//increment the key logger length
last_len = keyResp.keys.length

//grab the last key added to the keys list

//check for space
if(key_list.indexOf("space") !=-1) {
    key_list.splice(key_list.indexOf("space"), 1)
    key_list.append(key_list.indexOf(" "),1)

//check for backspace
if(key_list.indexOf("backspace") != -1) {
    key_list.splice(key_list.indexOf("backspace"), 1)
    //if we have at least 1 character, remove it
    if (key_list.length > 0) {
//if enter is pressed then...
if(key_list.indexOf("return") != -1) {
    //remove the enter key
    //and end the trial if we have at least 2 digits
    if (key_list.length >= 2) {
        continueRoutine = false;

//now loop through and remove any extra characters that may exist
while (key_list.length > maxDigits) {

//create a variable to display
respDisplay = key_list.join("");


End routine:
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“verbResponsef”, respDisplay);

Forward spatial recall:
Begin experiment:
correctcount_3 = 0;
sequenceLength_3 = 3;
incorrectCountAtLength_3 = 0;

Begin routine:
// initial state
blkIndex_3 = 0;
nextSwitch_3 = blockDuration;
doingResponse_3 = false;
currBlock_3 = undefined;
dist_min_3 = 0;
blockCoords_3 = ;
actualSequenceLength = Math.min(sequenceLength_3, 9);

//If you got two wrong on that length, reduce length
if ((incorrectCountAtLength_3 === 2)) {
sequenceLength_3 = (sequenceLength_3 - 1);
incorrectCountAtLength_3 = 0;

// store ANSWER blocks as a dictionary (to switch between name/object)
blocks_3 = {};

// Create grid of locations with jitter
let xGrid = [-.3, 0, .3];
let yGrid = [-.3, 0, .3];
let locations = ;
for (let x in xGrid) {
for (let y in yGrid) {
locations.push([xGrid+Math.random(2).1 -.05, yGrid[y]+Math.random(2).1 -.05]);

// Shuffle locations
for (let rolls in blocks_3) {
locations = locations.sort(function() { return 0.5 - Math.random()});
var counter = 0; // location index

// give blocks a new set of random locations
for (let items in blocks_3) {
if (blocks_3[items].hasOwnProperty(‘pos’)) {
blocks_3[items].pos = locations[counter];
counter = counter + 1;
if (blocks_3[items].hasOwnProperty(‘fillColor’)) {
blocks_3[items].fillColor = new util.Color(‘white’);
blocks_3[items].lineColor = new util.Color(‘white’);

sequence_3 = [“blk1_3”, “blk2_3”, “blk3_3”, “blk4_3”, “blk5_3”, “blk6_3”, “blk7_3”, “blk8_3”, “blk9_3”];
respSequence_3 = ;

Each frame:
if (!(doingResponse_3) && (t > nextSwitch_3)) {
if (typeof currBlock_3 != ‘undefined’) {
// reset color of current block
currBlock_3.fillColor = new util.Color(‘white’);
currBlock_3.lineColor = new util.Color(‘white’);
// then change current block and make that red
if (blkIndex_3 >= actualSequenceLength) {
doingResponse_3 = true; // no more blocks to show
} else {
let currBlockName_3 = sequence_3[blkIndex_3];
currBlock_3 = blocks_3[currBlockName_3];
currBlock_3.fillColor = new util.Color(‘red’);
currBlock_3.lineColor = new util.Color(‘red’);
// track time of this change
nextSwitch_3 = parseFloat(nextSwitch_3) + parseFloat(blockDuration);
blkIndex_3 = blkIndex_3 + 1;

// all clicked?
if (mouse_3.clicked_name.length >= actualSequenceLength) {
continueRoutine = false;

// update color of clicked
for (let blockName in mouse_3.clicked_name) {
for (let eachBlock in blocks_3) {
if (mouse_3.clicked_name[blockName] == blocks_3[eachBlock].name) {
blocks_3[eachBlock].fillColor = new util.Color(‘silver’);
blocks_3[eachBlock].lineColor = new util.Color(‘silver’);

End routine:
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“respSequencef”, respSequence_3);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“sequenceLengthf”, actualSequenceLength);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“CorrectAnswerf”, sequence_3.slice(0, actualSequenceLength));
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“incorrectCountAtLengthf”, incorrectCountAtLength_3);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“blockCoordsf”, blockCoords_3);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“dist_minf”, dist_min_3);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“Clickedf”, mouse_3.clicked_name);

//Is answer correct?
if ((JSON.stringify(mouse_3.clicked_name) === JSON.stringify(sequence_3.slice(0, actualSequenceLength)))) {
sequenceLength_3 += 1;
incorrectCountAtLength_3 = 0;
} else {
incorrectCountAtLength_3 += 1;

Backward spatial recall:
Begin experiment:
correctcount_4 = 0;
sequenceLength_4 = 3;
incorrectCountAtLength_4 = 0;

Begin routine:
// initial state
blkIndex_4 = 0;
nextSwitch_4 = blockDuration;
doingResponse_4 = false;
currBlock_4 = undefined;
dist_min_4 = 0;
blockCoords_4 = ;
actualSequenceLength = Math.min(sequenceLength_4, 9);

//If you got two wrong on that length, reduce length
if ((incorrectCountAtLength_4 === 2)) {
sequenceLength_4 = (sequenceLength_4 - 1);
incorrectCountAtLength_4 = 0;

// store ANSWER blocks as a dictionary (to switch between name/object)
blocks_4 = {};

// Create grid of locations with jitter
let xGrid = [-.3, 0, .3];
let yGrid = [-.3, 0, .3];
let locations = ;
for (let x in xGrid) {
for (let y in yGrid) {
locations.push([xGrid+Math.random(2).1 -.05, yGrid[y]+Math.random(2).1 -.05]);

// Shuffle locations
for (let rolls in blocks_4) {
locations = locations.sort(function() { return 0.5 - Math.random()});
var counter = 0; // location index

// give blocks a new set of random locations
for (let items in blocks_4) {
if (blocks_4[items].hasOwnProperty(‘pos’)) {
blocks_4[items].pos = locations[counter];
counter = counter + 1;
if (blocks_4[items].hasOwnProperty(‘fillColor’)) {
blocks_4[items].fillColor = new util.Color(‘white’);
blocks_4[items].lineColor = new util.Color(‘white’);

sequence_4 = [“blk1_4”, “blk2_4”, “blk3_4”, “blk4_4”, “blk5_4”, “blk6_4”, “blk7_4”, “blk8_4”, “blk9_4”];
respSequence_4 = ;

Each frame:
if (!(doingResponse_4) && (t > nextSwitch_4)) {
if (typeof currBlock_4 != ‘undefined’) {
// reset color of current block
currBlock_4.fillColor = new util.Color(‘white’);
currBlock_4.lineColor = new util.Color(‘white’);
// then change current block and make that red
if (blkIndex_4 >= actualSequenceLength) {
doingResponse_4 = true; // no more blocks to show
} else {
let currBlockName_4 = sequence_4[blkIndex_4];
currBlock_4 = blocks_4[currBlockName_4];
currBlock_4.fillColor = new util.Color(‘red’);
currBlock_4.lineColor = new util.Color(‘red’);
// track time of this change
nextSwitch_4 = parseFloat(nextSwitch_4) + parseFloat(blockDuration);
blkIndex_4 = blkIndex_4 + 1;

// all clicked?
if (mouse_4.clicked_name.length >= actualSequenceLength) {
continueRoutine = false;

// update color of clicked
for (let blockName in mouse_4.clicked_name) {
for (let eachBlock in blocks_4) {
if (mouse_4.clicked_name[blockName] == blocks_4[eachBlock].name) {
blocks_4[eachBlock].fillColor = new util.Color(‘silver’);
blocks_4[eachBlock].lineColor = new util.Color(‘silver’);

End routine:
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“respSequenceb”, respSequence_4);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“sequenceLengthb”, actualSequenceLength);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“CorrectAnswerb”, .concat(sequence_4.slice(0, actualSequenceLength)).reverse());
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“incorrectCountAtLengthb”, incorrectCountAtLength_4);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“blockCoordsb”, blockCoords_4);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“dist_minb”, dist_min_4);
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“Clickedb”, mouse_4.clicked_name);

//Is answer correct?
if ((JSON.stringify(mouse_4.clicked_name) === .concat(JSON.stringify(sequence_4.slice(0, actualSequenceLength))).reverse())){
sequenceLength_4 += 1;
incorrectCountAtLength_4 = 0;
} else {
incorrectCountAtLength_4 += 1;

Math test:
Begin routine:
respDisplay_2 = “”;
maxDigits_2 = 100;

//key logger defaults
last_len_2 = 0
key_list_2 =

Each frame:
//if a new key has been pressed since last time
if(keyResp_2.keys != undefined && keyResp_2.keys.length > last_len_2) {

//increment the key logger length
last_len_2 = keyResp_2.keys.length

//grab the last key added to the keys list

//check for space
if(key_list_2.indexOf("space") !=-1) {
    key_list_2.splice(key_list.indexOf("space"), 1)
    key_list_2.append(key_list.indexOf(" "),1)
 //check for decimal point
if(key_list_2.indexOf("period") !=-1) {
    key_list_2.splice(key_list.indexOf("period"), 1)

//check for backspace
if(key_list_2.indexOf("backspace") != -1) {
    key_list_2.splice(key_list_2.indexOf("backspace"), 1)
    //if we have at least 1 character, remove it
    if (key_list_2.length > 0) {
//if enter is pressed then...
if(key_list_2.indexOf("return") != -1) {
    //remove the enter key
    //and end the trial if we have at least 1 digits
    if (key_list_2.length >= 1) {
        continueRoutine = false;

//now loop through and remove any extra characters that may exist
while (key_list_2.length > maxDigits_2) {

//create a variable to display
respDisplay_2 = key_list_2.join("");


End routine:
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“mathResponse”, respDisplay_2);

That is probably the least elegant way to share so if there’s a better way then let me know!

The best option would be to identify the line with the error by looking at the browser console Ctrl-Shift-I in Chrome.

When I do this I get:
I guess that might mean line 2962? But then how do I get into the code to see what that is to fix it? Apologies, coding is not my forte as you can tell! I’m using Edge, but the error message is exactly the same when I do it in Chrome

If you click on the 2962 then you should see the line of code.

However, I suspect that the issue is an unbalanced bracket.

Possibly several …

if(key_list_2.indexOf("period") !=-1) {
    key_list_2.splice(key_list.indexOf("period"), 1)

is missing } at the end

I avoid these kinds of errors by coding in the Python tab of an auto translate code component whenever possible. If it translates to JavaScript then the syntax should be fine.

There were a few rogue brackets that I think I’ve now removed but I still get the errors. I’ve tried clicking on the link in the error but it doesn’t do anything. The runner no longer shows any alerts (which it was before when I worked out how to get it to show me them), but the ctrl+shift+I trick shows an error with this line:
When I open the coder, that particular line is
image which doesn’t seem to have any errors.

JS code lines should end in a semi-colon ;

It still doesn’t like the same line, which is actually the “// key logger defaults” line according to the error.

What about line 1264?

Totally blank