Yes, I forgot to change the second field from “time” to “condition”. Well spotted, thanks. This advice fixed the error, and both the “go” and “stop” trials are now behaving correctly during the first trial. However, subsequent trials do not appear i.e., after the first trial, no stimuli are presented - just a plain grey background.
Please find the content of two log files below as no error code is output and the forum does not permit the .log extension.
Thanks again. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out!
Example “go” trial log:
7.4472 WARNING User requested fullscreen with size [1024 768], but screen is actually [2560, 1080]. Using actual size
8.5888 EXP Created window1 = Window(allowGUI=False, allowStencil=False, args=UNKNOWN, autoLog=True, bitsMode=UNKNOWN, blendMode='avg', color=array([0., 0., 0.]), colorSpace='rgb', fullscr=<method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of attributeSetter object at 0x000002B563448DD8>, gamma=None, gammaErrorPolicy='raise', kwargs=UNKNOWN, lms=UNKNOWN, monitor=<psychopy.monitors.calibTools.Monitor object at 0x000002B563284B00>, multiSample=False, name='window1', numSamples=2, pos=[0.0, 0.0], screen=0, size=array([2560, 1080]), stereo=False, units='height', useFBO=True, useRetina=False, viewOri=0.0, viewPos=None, viewScale=None, waitBlanking=True, winType='pyglet')
8.5888 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = False
8.7551 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = True
8.9386 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = False
9.3792 EXP Created fix = TextStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.text.TextStim'>, alignHoriz='center', alignVert='center', antialias=True, autoLog=True, bold=False, color='white', colorSpace='named', contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font='Arial', fontFiles=[], height=0.1, italic=False, languageStyle='LTR', name='fix', opacity=1.0, ori=0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=array([255., 255., 255.]), text='+', units='height', win=Window(...), wrapWidth=1)
9.3809 EXP Created arrow = ImageStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim'>, autoLog=True, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace='rgb', contrast=1.0, depth=-1.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, image='sin', interpolate=True, mask=None, maskParams=None, name='arrow', opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), size=array([0.25, 0.25]), texRes=128, units='height', win=Window(...))
9.3819 EXP Created stop = ImageStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim'>, autoLog=True, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace='rgb', contrast=1.0, depth=-2.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, image='sin', interpolate=True, mask=None, maskParams=None, name='stop', opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), size=array([0.25, 0.25]), texRes=128, units='height', win=Window(...))
9.3882 EXP Created shouldPress = ImageStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim'>, autoLog=True, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace='rgb', contrast=1.0, depth=-3.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, image='shouldPress.png', interpolate=True, mask=None, maskParams=None, name='shouldPress', opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), size=array([0.25, 0.25]), texRes=128, units='height', win=Window(...))
9.4325 EXP Imported SST_cond.xlsx as conditions, 40 conditions, 4 params
9.4328 EXP Created sequence: random, trialTypes=40, nReps=1, seed=None
9.4330 EXP New trial (rep=0, index=0): OrderedDict([('arrows', 'go_right.png'), ('corrAns', 'm'), ('ssig', False), ('ssigImg', 'None')])
9.4801 EXP arrow: image = 'go_right.png'
9.4801 EXP stop: image = 'None'
9.4801 EXP fix: autoDraw = True
9.9803 EXP fix: autoDraw = False
10.4470 EXP arrow: autoDraw = True
11.9476 EXP arrow: autoDraw = False
11.9643 EXP shouldPress: autoDraw = True
12.9646 EXP shouldPress: autoDraw = False
44.2778 DATA Keypress: escape
44.4295 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True
Example “stop” trial log:
14.3695 WARNING User requested fullscreen with size [1024 768], but screen is actually [2560, 1080]. Using actual size
15.4607 EXP Created window1 = Window(allowGUI=False, allowStencil=False, args=UNKNOWN, autoLog=True, bitsMode=UNKNOWN, blendMode='avg', color=array([0., 0., 0.]), colorSpace='rgb', fullscr=<method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of attributeSetter object at 0x0000012F39938DD8>, gamma=None, gammaErrorPolicy='raise', kwargs=UNKNOWN, lms=UNKNOWN, monitor=<psychopy.monitors.calibTools.Monitor object at 0x0000012F39774B00>, multiSample=False, name='window1', numSamples=2, pos=[0.0, 0.0], screen=0, size=array([2560, 1080]), stereo=False, units='height', useFBO=True, useRetina=False, viewOri=0.0, viewPos=None, viewScale=None, waitBlanking=True, winType='pyglet')
15.4607 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = False
15.6269 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = True
15.8104 EXP window1: recordFrameIntervals = False
16.1525 EXP Created fix = TextStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.text.TextStim'>, alignHoriz='center', alignVert='center', antialias=True, autoLog=True, bold=False, color='white', colorSpace='named', contrast=1.0, depth=0.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, font='Arial', fontFiles=[], height=0.1, italic=False, languageStyle='LTR', name='fix', opacity=1.0, ori=0, pos=array([0., 0.]), rgb=array([255., 255., 255.]), text='+', units='height', win=Window(...), wrapWidth=1)
16.1541 EXP Created arrow = ImageStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim'>, autoLog=True, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace='rgb', contrast=1.0, depth=-1.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, image='sin', interpolate=True, mask=None, maskParams=None, name='arrow', opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), size=array([0.25, 0.25]), texRes=128, units='height', win=Window(...))
16.1550 EXP Created stop = ImageStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim'>, autoLog=True, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace='rgb', contrast=1.0, depth=-2.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, image='sin', interpolate=True, mask=None, maskParams=None, name='stop', opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), size=array([0.25, 0.25]), texRes=128, units='height', win=Window(...))
16.1613 EXP Created shouldPress = ImageStim(__class__=<class 'psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim'>, autoLog=True, color=array([1., 1., 1.]), colorSpace='rgb', contrast=1.0, depth=-3.0, flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False, image='shouldPress.png', interpolate=True, mask=None, maskParams=None, name='shouldPress', opacity=1.0, ori=0.0, pos=array([0., 0.]), size=array([0.25, 0.25]), texRes=128, units='height', win=Window(...))
16.2039 EXP Imported SST_cond.xlsx as conditions, 40 conditions, 4 params
16.2042 EXP Created sequence: random, trialTypes=40, nReps=1, seed=None
16.2044 EXP New trial (rep=0, index=0): OrderedDict([('arrows', 'go_left.png'), ('corrAns', 'None'), ('ssig', True), ('ssigImg', 'stop_left.png')])
16.2519 EXP arrow: image = 'go_left.png'
16.2519 EXP stop: image = 'stop_left.png'
16.2519 EXP fix: autoDraw = True
16.7521 EXP fix: autoDraw = False
17.2022 EXP arrow: autoDraw = True
17.5190 EXP stop: autoDraw = True
18.7027 EXP arrow: autoDraw = False
18.7194 EXP stop: autoDraw = False
52.2171 DATA Keypress: escape
52.3846 EXP window1: mouseVisible = True