Window parameters that work on a PC running Ubuntu 16.04 result in stimuli that are left-offset on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015) running High Sierra 10.13.2. I believe that I’m using the same version of Psychopy (installed via Conda, so without the standalone package/Builder) and I’m using Pyglet 1.3.0. Both operating systems are using a virtual environment that uses Python 2.7.
I’ve tested this using several different task scripts that were previously functional on Ubuntu and this problem seems to be independent of the retina pixel to logical pixel conversion problem (where there are 2 retina pixels for every logical pixel).
I’m new to Psychopy, so there may be some obvious solution that I’m missing – if so, I really appreciate your help!
Window code:
window = visual.Window(size=[1440,900],pos = [0,0], monitor='testMonitor', color = [-1,-1,-1],
colorSpace = 'rgb', blendMode = 'avg', useFBO = False, allowGUI =
False,fullscr=False, winType='pyglet',units='cm')
These two fractals should be at the center of the screen:
The problem persisted whether I used pixels or cm.
Once I upgraded to Psychopy 1.85.6, the problem was resolved, suggesting that the problem was with pyglet’s updating of size value (useRetina was not an attribute of the Window object in the version that I was previously using, so I couldn’t fix it that way). Thank you, everyone, for your help!