Setting more than one color for visual.RadialStim


I’m trying to build a task that would basically replicate a roulette wheel and I’ve essentially done so. This task will revolve a small circle around a large circle and pressing space will initiate an exponential deceleration in the revolution velocity of the smaller circle. In order to model the roulette wheel (the larger circle), I used the visual.RadialStim component, knowing full-well that it’s probably better used for spinning checkboard type stuff. However, it evenly divides the wheel into alternating sections of color which is really helpful for my task.



I’d like to be able to place more than two colors on the wheel, but I’m not sure that it’s possible with visual.RadialStim. Looking through the documentation, I can’t see anything that helps, though, I did come across this old thread where Jon seems to suggest that it is possible, but I frankly can’t make heads or tails of it and I think the OP left it unresolved as well. Does anyone know for sure? If not, does anyone have another recommended solution to replacing it so that I could maybe get 3 or 4 colors modeled on this larger circle?


# Psychopy modules
from psychopy import core, event, visual, gui
# Needed to calculate the trajectory of the revolving ball
import math
# Needed to calculcate the deceleration of the revolving ball
import random

# Variables

# The speed with which the ball revolves around the wheel
speed = 0.125

# The radius of the wheel around which the ball is revolving

# How many frames per second the animation should use
fps = 30
# Specifying Window & Screen Information -----
win = visual.Window(size=(1024, 768), 
                    screen= monitor, 

# Noting the starting position of the revolving ball
position = 0.0

# Noting whether the ball is decelerating
decelerate = False

# Draw a circle
ball = visual.Circle(win, edges=100,radius=0.02, fillColor='white', lineColor=None, pos=[position,position])

# Draw a circle
# wheel = visual.Circle(win, edges=300, radius=wheel_radius, fillColor='black', lineColor=None, pos=[0,0])

wheel = visual.RadialStim(win, pos=(0,0), size=((wheel_radius * 2), (wheel_radius * 2)),
                          color = 'red', angularCycles=6, radialCycles = 0, opacity= 0.8, autoLog=False)

# While speed is greater than 0:
while speed > 0:

    # Change the position of the ball according to the current value of position
    ball.pos = [((math.sin(position)/10) * (wheel_radius * 10)),
                ((math.cos(position)/10) * (wheel_radius * 10))]

    # Produce the visualization of the wheel            

    # Produce the visualization of the ball

    # If the participant hasn't asked to stop the spinner yet
    if decelerate == False:

        # Continue spinning the ball around the wheel according to the specified speed
        position += speed
    # If the participant has asked to stop the spinner
    if decelerate == True:

        # Randomly select a value between 0.005 and 0.035
        rand_dec = random.uniform(0.005,0.035)

        # Reduce speed to be a percentage (99.5% - 96.5%) of its last value
        # Randomizing the the value of the deceleration will hopefully prevent 
        # participants from being able to predict where the ball will stop. Also
        # making speed a fraction or what it once was, rather than using a linear value
        # will better model friction and exponential decay in the real world
        speed *= 1 - rand_dec

        # Continue spinning the ball around the wheel according to the new speed
        position += speed

    # If speed drops below 0.001
    if speed < 0.001:
        # Round speed down to 0
        speed = 0

    # If escape is pressed, end the task
    if event.getKeys('escape'):

    # If space is pressed, begin slowing the ball
    if event.getKeys('space'):
        decelerate = True

    # Refresh the screen according to the core.wait rate allowing for objects and visualizations
    # to change position

    # How long psychopy should wait before updating the screen   

# close the window

Try as I could, I could not get the texture approach to work, but I settled on a far less eloquent solution. By reducing the opacity of the RadialStim and overlaying another RadialStim of a complementary color at half opacity, and situated at a 30-degree angle, I was able to more or less create the appearance of four colors. Not thrilled, but it’ll do for now. Looking forward to someone else showing me up.

PsychoPy_2022-04-06_17-58-30_AdobeCreativeCloudExpress (2)

# Psychopy modules
from psychopy import core, event, visual, gui
# Needed to calculate the trajectory of the revolving ball
import math
# Needed to calculcate the deceleration of the revolving ball
import random
# Needed to create colors for the roulette wheel
import numpy as np

# Specifying which monitor to use

# The speed with which the ball revolves around the wheel
speed = 0.125

# The radius of the wheel around which the ball is revolving

# How many frames per second the animation should use
fps = 30
# Specifying Window & Screen Information -----
win = visual.Window(size=(1024, 768), 
                    screen= monitor, 

# Noting the starting position of the revolving ball
position = 0.0

# Noting whether the ball is decelerating
decelerate = False

# Creating the ball
ball = visual.Circle(win, edges=100,radius=0.02, fillColor='white', lineColor=None, pos=[position,position])

# Creating the wheel
wheel_base = visual.RadialStim(win, pos=(0,0), size=((wheel_radius * 2), (wheel_radius * 2)),
                          color ='yellow', angularRes=300,
                          angularCycles=3, radialCycles = 0, opacity= 0.9, autoLog=False)
wheel_layer = visual.RadialStim(win, pos=(0,0), size=((wheel_radius * 2), (wheel_radius * 2)),
                          color ='red', angularRes=300, ori=30,
                          angularCycles=3, radialCycles = 0, opacity= 0.5, autoLog=False)

# While speed is greater than 0:
while speed > 0:

    # Change the position of the ball according to the current value of position
    ball.pos = [((math.sin(position)/10) * (wheel_radius * 10)),
                ((math.cos(position)/10) * (wheel_radius * 10))]

    # Produce the visualization of the wheel            

    # Produce the visualization of the ball

    # If the participant hasn't asked to stop the spinner yet
    if decelerate == False:

        # Continue spinning the ball around the wheel according to the specified speed
        position += speed
    # If the participant has asked to stop the spinner
    if decelerate == True:

        # Reduce speed to be a percentage (99.5% - 96.5%) of its last value
        # Randomizing the the value of the deceleration will hopefully prevent 
        # participants from being able to predict where the ball will stop. Also
        # making speed a fraction or what it once was, rather than using a linear value
        # will better model friction and exponential decay in the real world
        speed *= 1 - rand_dec

        # Continue spinning the ball around the wheel according to the new speed
        position += speed

    # If speed drops below 0.001
    if speed < 0.001:
        # Round speed down to 0
        speed = 0

    # If escape is pressed, end the task
    if event.getKeys('escape'):

    # If space is pressed, begin slowing the ball
    if event.getKeys('space'):
        decelerate = True
        # Randomly select a value between 0.005 and 0.035
        rand_dec = random.uniform(0.005,0.035)

    # Refresh the screen according to the core.wait rate allowing for objects and visualizations
    # to change position

    # How long psychopy should wait before updating the screen   

# close the window