Selecting different rows per iteration in a loop

I wanted to check that @lindeloev’s “setting rows dynamically” solution worked (that’s how it was designed but I don’t think this is often tested). It did! :dancers:

So here’s an example experiment file showing it in action. Put these 3 files together in a folder and run the blockSubset experiment. A couple of notes:

  • the entries in the blocks file are '0:5, '5:10, '10:15 and note the ' just at the beginning of each one. That tells Excel to treat this as a string and not be clever and convert it into a date/time. For excel a string is indicated by just one ' at the beginning of the cell.
  • I set up this to run a single repeat of each trial. The trials within the blocks I made random and the blocks I made sequential (so you get 1-5 shuffled, then 5-10 shuffled etc)

blockSubset.psyexp (6.6 KB)
allConds.xlsx (28.5 KB)
blocks.xlsx (27.3 KB)