this might do the trick. See the flow of a toy-experiment:
The Text-component simply displays a number (stim) read from the Excel file SelectedRows.xlsx".
Numbers range from 0 to 9.
The trials loop iterates over the rows specified in the Selected Rows parameter using the variable useRows.
I set the loopType to sequential just for testing. useRows is set in the code-component codeRow of the routine setRow. Add the following code to the Begin routine tab of the code-component
if block.thisRepN == 0:
useRows = '2:5'
elif block.thisRepN == 1:
useRows = '6:9'
You may want to initialise useRows in the Begin Experiment tab.
useRows = '0:2'
Set the loopType of the block-loop to sequential and the number of repetitions to 2.
Best wishes Jens