When delaying the stimulus through core.wait function, the screen would stop responding for a second if the time inside core.wait function is too long.
If the secs parameter inside core.wait function is too long, the window that displays the stimulus would literally stop responding like a stucked program, with the cursor turned into a spinning blue circle.
I believe this is an issue where events like mouse clicks or the window manager events are not getting handled. The simple (and “bad” from a CPU activity perspective) solution would be to specify:
A “better” solution would be to modify your clock.py code so that it deals with events during the less precise timing period. One suggestion is below, but make sure you check the timing precision as it matters for your purposes. On my machine both codes time the 1-2 s time period with error <.1 ms
Replace the current def wait() code in clock.py with
def _hogCPUactivity():
"""Helper function for :func:`~.psychopy.core.wait
Handles window event if needed or returns otherwise.
from . import core
if not (core.havePyglet and core.checkPygletDuringWait):
# let's see if pyglet collected any event in meantime
# this takes focus away from command line terminal window:
if parse_version(pyglet.version) < parse_version('1.2'):
# events for sounds/video should run independently of wait()
except AttributeError:
# see http://www.pyglet.org/doc/api/pyglet.media-module.html#dispatch_events
# Deprecated: Since pyglet 1.1, Player objects schedule themselves
# on the default clock automatically. Applications should not call
# pyglet.media.dispatch_events().
for winWeakRef in core.openWindows:
win = winWeakRef()
if (win.winType == "pyglet" and
hasattr(win.winHandle, "dispatch_events")):
win.winHandle.dispatch_events() # pump events
def wait(secs, hogCPUperiod=0.2):
"""Wait for a given time period.
If secs=10 and hogCPU=0.2 then for 9.8s python's time.sleep function
will be used, which is not especially precise, but allows the cpu to
perform housekeeping. In the final hogCPUperiod the more precise
method of constantly polling the clock is used for greater precision.
If you want to obtain key-presses during the wait, be sure to use
pyglet and to hogCPU for the entire time, and then call
:func:`psychopy.event.getKeys()` after calling
If you want to suppress checking for pyglet events during the wait,
do this once::
core.checkPygletDuringWait = False
and from then on you can do::
This will preserve terminal-window focus during command line usage.
t0 = getTime()
# initial relaxed period, using sleep (better for system resources etc)
if secs > hogCPUperiod:
tenths = int((secs-hogCPUperiod)*10)
leftover = secs - tenths*.0998 - hogCPUperiod
for tenths in range(int((secs-hogCPUperiod)*10)):
# hog the cpu, checking time
while (getTime() - t0) < secs:
i was having this problem. the goal i was trying to achieve is to play a movie, wait for a few sec before playing sound, when tried core.wait for a few sec, screen was stuck during that period. maybe op wanted something similar. my solution was to simply insert blank text component or sound component of 0 volume
alternatively, I think it might be quicker/more accurate to do:
timer = core.CountdownTimer() #globally at the start of exp
def runTrial():
isi = 5 #inter-stimulus interval
while timer.getTime() < 0:
#stuff to run after the wait period here