I have a stimulus (a colour wheel) that is generated by drawing hundreds of lines; each line is added to the image via a loop, which obviously takes some time (it takes about 500 milliseconds to draw). As such I would like to save the stimulus as an image so that I can present the stimulus as an image rather than draw it every time I need it.
I have had a look at BufferImageStim but cannot work out how to use it for a stimulus that is generated within a loop. Below is some minimal code that creates my stimulus.
import os
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos, radians, deg2rad, arange
from psychopy import visual, data, event, gui, core
# radius of colour wheel
colour_radius = 250
# width of the wheel
colour_width = 35
# resolution of colours
colour_res = np.arange(0, 360, 0.1)
scrsize = (800, 800)
win = visual.Window(size = scrsize, color = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), units = 'pix', fullscr = False)
# decalre one element (line) of the stimulus (to be modified within the upcoming loop)
stim = visual.Line(win, units = 'pix')
#the loop that creates the stimulus`
for curr_colour in np.nditer(colour_res):
# get the current degrees in radians
colour_radians = deg2rad(curr_colour)
# calculate the x and y START points of the line for the circle
x_pos_inner = (colour_radius - colour_width) * cos(colour_radians)
y_pos_inner = (colour_radius - colour_width) * sin(colour_radians)
# calculate the x and y END points of the line for the circle
x_pos = colour_radius * cos(colour_radians)
y_pos = colour_radius * sin(colour_radians)
stim.setLineColor([curr_colour, 1, 1], colorSpace = 'hsv')
stim.setStart([y_pos_inner, x_pos_inner])
stim.setEnd([y_pos, x_pos])
keys = event.waitKeys(keyList = ['space', 'escape'])
Thank you for your time.