Running Psychopy in Pavlovia: issue with translating Python to Javascript

URL of experiment:

Description of the problem:

I created an experiment in Psychopy builder. Because of limitations in the builder I had to create a small piece of custom code. This works as it should when running the code in Psychopy builder. If I run the study online with Pavlovia everything runs fine except from the piece of custom code. Apparently this piece of code in Python should be translated to Javascript. I don’t have any profound knowledge of either of the two languages.

This is the piece of code in Python (which works):

if len(avoidance.keys) != 0:
    USready = False;

if trialClock.getTime() > 19:
    UStimeCheck = True;

if (USready == True and UStimeCheck == True):
    showUS = True;

if (USready == False and UStimeCheck == True):
    continueRoutine = False;

This is the translation of the code above I tried in Javascript (this doesn’t work):

if (avoidance.keys != null) {
    USready = false;

if (trialClock.getTime() > 19) {
    UStimeCheck = true;

if (USready == true && UStimeCheck == true) {
    showUS = true;

if (USready == false && UStimeCheck == true) {
    continueRoutine = false;

I defined the variables USready, UStimeCheck and showUS:

var showUS = false;
var USready = true;
var UStimeCheck = false;

I also tried to set USready on false and true, but this did not make any difference. Any ideas of what might be wrong with the code in Javascript?

Thanks! Sara

Hi @Sara_Scheveneels, the translation looks mostly ok. Try the following:

showUS = false;
USready = true;
UStimeCheck = false;

if (avoidance.keys !== undefined) {
    USready = false;

if (trialClock.getTime() > 19) {
    UStimeCheck = true;

if (USready === true && UStimeCheck === true) {
    showUS = true;

if (USready === false && UStimeCheck === true) {
    continueRoutine = false;

If this does not work, please can you share any errors you receive?

Thanks @dvbridges, it works now!
