Hi there,
I am trying to set up an experiment in which a continuous movie without audio track is played during a run that includes different trials. To be more specific, I have several 8 minute long runs in my experiment that each include 40 auditory stimuli and distinct delays. Each of these runs (and its specific stimulus order) is imported from a .csv-file. Now I want an 8 minute long movie sequence to be played continuously during each run while the different trials (= auditory stimuli) and delays are presented. Movie and trials should be two independent “streams” and only for the trials it is important that they are written to a .csv-file and .log-file (stimulus type, onset, duration, delay etc.).
Till now, I have managed to include the movie in my run-routine in the experiment and also to start the first auditory stimulus during the movie. But then Psychopy does not seem to loop over different trials, but the auditory stimulation stops after the first stimulus, the movie is played till its finished and the experiment breaks. I do not know why this happens and have no idea how my “trial-loop” during the movie could run. Without including the movie in my experiment, everything worked fine.
# ------Prepare to start Routine "movie"-------
t = 0
movieClock.reset() # clock
frameN = -1
continueRoutine = True
# update component parameters for each repeat
# keep track of which components have finished
movieComponents = [movie]
for thisComponent in movieComponents:
if hasattr(thisComponent, 'status'):
thisComponent.status = NOT_STARTED
continueRoutine2 = True
# -------Start Routine "movie"-------
while continueRoutine and routineTimer.getTime() > 0:
# get current time
t = movieClock.getTime()
frameN = frameN + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame)
# update/draw components on each frame
movieComponents = [movie]
# *movie* updates
if t >= 0.0 and movie.status == NOT_STARTED:
# keep track of start time/frame for later
movie.tStart = t
movie.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index
frameRemains = 0.0 + 8.0- win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left
if movie.status == STARTED and t >= frameRemains:
# set up handler to look after randomisation of conditions etc
trials = data.TrialHandler(nReps=1, method='sequential',
extraInfo=expInfo, originPath=-1,
trialList=data.importConditions("run%i.csv" % run_id),
seed=None, name='trials')
thisExp.addLoop(trials) # add the loop to the experiment
thisTrial = trials.trialList[0] # so we can initialise stimuli with some values
# abbreviate parameter names if possible (e.g. rgb = thisTrial.rgb)
if thisTrial != None:
for paramName in thisTrial.keys():
exec(paramName + '= thisTrial.' + paramName)
for thisTrial in trials:
currentLoop = trials
# abbreviate parameter names if possible (e.g. rgb = thisTrial.rgb)
if thisTrial != None:
for paramName in thisTrial.keys():
exec(paramName + '= thisTrial.' + paramName)
# ------Prepare to start Routine "trial"-------
t2 = 0
trialClock.reset() # clock
frame2N = -1
continueRoutine2 = True
# update component parameters for each repeat
trial_start_timestamp = StartClock.getTime() - run_start_timestamp
sample.setSound("stimuli/"+stim, secs=6.1)
trigger_sync = event.BuilderKeyResponse()
# keep track of which components have finished
trialComponents = [sample, trigger_sync]
for thisComponent in trialComponents:
if hasattr(thisComponent, 'status'):
thisComponent.status = NOT_STARTED
# -------Start Routine "trial"-------
while continueRoutine2:
# get current time
t2 = trialClock.getTime()
frame2N = frame2N + 1 # number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame)
# start/stop sample
if t >= 0.0 and sample.status == NOT_STARTED:
# keep track of start time/frame for later
sample.tStart = t
sample.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index
sample.setVolume(total_vol) # individual volume
sample.play() # start the sound (it finishes automatically)
frame2Remains = 0.0 + 6.1- win.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75 # most of one frame period left
if sample.status == STARTED and t >= frameRemains:
sample.stop() # stop the sound (if longer than duration)
# *trigger_sync* updates
if (t > (6 + delay -1)) and trigger_sync.status == NOT_STARTED:
# keep track of start time/frame for later
trigger_sync.tStart = t
trigger_sync.frameNStart = frameN # exact frame index
trigger_sync.status = STARTED
# keyboard checking is just starting
win.callOnFlip(trigger_sync.clock.reset) # t=0 on next screen flip
if trigger_sync.status == STARTED:
theseKeys = event.getKeys(keyList=['t'])
# check for quit:
if "escape" in theseKeys:
endExpNow = True
if len(theseKeys) > 0: # at least one key was pressed
trigger_sync.keys = theseKeys[-1] # just the last key pressed
trigger_sync.rt = trigger_sync.clock.getTime()
# a response ends the routine
# check for quit:
if "escape" in theseKeys:
endExpNow = True
# check if all components have finished
if not continueRoutine2: # a component has requested a forced-end of Routine
continueRoutine2 = False # will revert to True if at least one component still running
for thisComponent in trialComponents:
if hasattr(thisComponent, "status") and thisComponent.status != FINISHED:
continueRoutine2 = True
break # at least one component has not yet finished
# check for quit (the Esc key)
if endExpNow or event.getKeys(keyList=["escape"]):
# refresh the screen
if continueRoutine2: # don't flip if this routine is over or we'll get a blank screen
# -------Ending Routine "trial"-------
for thisComponent in trialComponents:
if hasattr(thisComponent, "setAutoDraw"):
trials.addData('trial_start_run_time', trial_start_timestamp)
sample.stop() # ensure sound has stopped at end of routine
# check responses
if trigger_sync.keys in ['', [], None]: # No response was made
if trigger_sync.keys != None: # we had a response
trials.addData('trigger_sync.rt', trigger_sync.rt)
# get names of stimulus parameters
if trials.trialList in ([], [None], None):
params = []
params = trials.trialList[0].keys()
# save data for this loop
trials.saveAsText(filename + 'trials.csv', delim=',',
dataOut=['n','all_mean','all_std', 'all_raw'])
# -------Ending Routine "movie"-------
for thisComponent in movieComponents:
if hasattr(thisComponent, "setAutoDraw"):
Has anybody an idea how to change the code so that it will run and loop over trials?
I am using PsychoPy v1.85.3 on Ubuntu 16.04.
Thanks in advance!