If this template helps then use it. If not then just delete and start from scratch.
OS (e.g. Win10): Win 10
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 3
Standard Standalone? (y/n): y
**What are you trying to achieve?: I am using a text box to get typed responses from my participants. Additionally the routine includes a text box for instructions. Both components are set to a duration of 30s. It works perfectly fine but it won’t continue to the next routine after the 30s. The routine is part of a loop.
What did you try to make it work?: I tried to use a code saying if t >= 30.0: continueRoutine = False. This didn’t work.
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?: It doesn’t continue to the next routine. There is nor error message.
Include pasted full error message if possible. “That didn’t work” is not enough information.
I hope it is understandable and maybe someone can help me with that. I would be very thankful!