Reshaping English Text to Arabic

Just a note that a new languageStyle parameter has been added to PsychoPy’s text stimulus, accessible both via Coder and in the Builder Text component. It takes three possible values at present: 'LTR' for standard Latin-style left-to-right languages, 'RTL' for right-to-left languages like Hebrew, or 'Arabic' for languages based on the Arabic alphabet, where in addition to being right-to-left, the characters need to be reshaped into cursive forms that depend on their neighbours. The 'RTL' and 'Arabic' settings both support bidirectional text (i.e. mixing portions of text, such as numbers or Latin script, in which the direction reverses to left-to-tight within the overall RTL string.)

That feature was added into the development version here:

and so should make it into the next feature release of PsychoPy. Feedback on real-world usage would be great. Issues with alignment and bottom-to-top flow have yet to be addressed.