Reset randomization of list

Hi Michael, you helped me set up my experiment this way because each repeat of the loop is not one trial, and I needed different set sizes.

Here is my original post that you helped me with. I need to be able to randomize length of study lists

So, I have 14 letters and I want them presented in set sizes of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. 6 trials of each size so I would end with 30 trials. We accomplished this with this coding.

As you can see in my previous screenshots and the one above psychopy is randomly generating lists or trials of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 letters from the conditions file of 14 letters for a memory task, after all of the letters in that trial are presented participants are asked to report all of the letters they remember. At the beginning of each trial they are told how many letters they will need to remember. The Report Word and ITI routine only run if it is the last repeat of the loop before the next trial. Within each trial, there can’t be repeated letters, which I am having occasionally right now when a new repetition of the conditions file begins in the middle of a trial.

Please let me know if this doesn’t make any sense and you need way more information!

Thank you!!