I’m trying to get an image to appear every time a condition is met. I’ve tried multiple approaches but I cannot get the stimulus to reappear.
I’m trying to get a thumbs up image to appear for 2 seconds whenever the individual has been “on task” for more than 40% of the current interval time. The if then statement is working fine; I’m just having problems with getting the image to appear each time.
I also have a video running during the routine, so I do not think solutions like
will work because it requires an end routine to have the stimulus reappear.
I’ve been trying to set the image to change size whenever the if-statement is met per another topic’s solution, but that hasn’t been successful so far. I’ve also tried setting the size to update each frame, but since I have a 2 second duration check, I think the check may get ignored if the size I set is being reset to the 0 size using the Builder.
That code snippet is:
//Current interval is based on how long each fixed interval reinforcement period is. This will be determined from baseline data.
window.currentInterval = Math.ceil(window.intervalTimer.getTime() / (intervalDur));
if (window.ontask + window.offtask >= intervalDur*2 && (window.ontask / (window.ontask + window.offtask)) > baserate) //Reset offtask and ontask every time currentInterval goes up
console.log('Good job! Over 40% ontask!' + (window.ontask / (window.ontask + window.offtask))*100 + '%')
window.flipTime = Date.now();
window.ThumbsUp.setSize([0.3, 0.3]);
window.ontask = 0;
window.offtask = 0;
if (window.ontask + window.offtask >= intervalDur*2)
console.log('less than 40% ontask')
window.ontask = 0;
window.offtask = 0;
if (window.flipTime < Date.now() - 2000)
window.ThumbsUp.setSize([0.0, 0.0]);
For completeness, the rest of the relevant coding is as follows:
var tracking_trialComponents;
function tracking_trialRoutineBegin(snapshot) {
return function () {
//------Prepare to start Routine 'tracking_trial'-------
t = 0;
tracking_trialClock.reset(); // clock
frameN = -1;
// update component parameters for each repeat
window.intervalTimer = new util.Clock();
window.flipTime = 0;
//start with no ontask or offtask
window.ontask = 0;
window.offtask = 0;
window.ThumbsUp = new visual.ImageStim({
win : psychoJS.window,
name : 'image', units : 'norm',
image : 'images/Thumbs_up.png', mask : undefined,
ori : 0, pos : [-0.8, 0.8], size : [0, 0], //initialize at 0 size
color : new util.Color([1, 1, 1]), opacity : 1,
flipHoriz : false, flipVert : false,
texRes : 128, interpolate : true, depth : -3.0});
// Function being evaluated continuously every 500ms
// keep track of which components have finished
tracking_trialComponents = [];
for (const thisComponent of tracking_trialComponents)
if ('status' in thisComponent)
thisComponent.status = PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED;
// check if the Routine should terminate
if (!continueRoutine) { // a component has requested a forced-end of Routine
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
var frameRemains;
function tracking_trialRoutineEachFrame(snapshot) {
return function () {
//------Loop for each frame of Routine 'tracking_trial'-------
let continueRoutine = true; // until we're told otherwise
// get current time
t = tracking_trialClock.getTime();
frameN = frameN + 1;// number of completed frames (so 0 is the first frame)
// update/draw components on each frame
// *movie* updates
if (t >= 0.0 && movie.status === PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED) {
// keep track of start time/frame for later
movie.tStart = t; // (not accounting for frame time here)
movie.frameNStart = frameN; // exact frame index
// *tracking_square* updates
if (t >= 0.0 && tracking_square.status === PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED) {
// keep track of start time/frame for later
tracking_square.tStart = t; // (not accounting for frame time here)
tracking_square.frameNStart = frameN; // exact frame index
const intervalDur = 20; //in seconds, how long before boolean check for reinforcement
const baserate = .4; //% of time ontask during baseline
//Current interval is based on how long each fixed interval reinforcement period is. This will be determined from baseline data.
window.currentInterval = Math.ceil(window.intervalTimer.getTime() / (intervalDur));
if (window.ontask + window.offtask >= intervalDur*2 && (window.ontask / (window.ontask + window.offtask)) > baserate) //Reset offtask and ontask every time currentInterval goes up
console.log('Good job! Over 40% ontask!' + (window.ontask / (window.ontask + window.offtask))*100 + '%')
window.flipTime = Date.now();
window.ThumbsUp.setSize([0.3, 0.3]);
window.ontask = 0;
window.offtask = 0;
if (window.ontask + window.offtask >= intervalDur*2)
console.log('less than 40% ontask')
window.ontask = 0;
window.offtask = 0;
if (window.flipTime < Date.now() - 2000)
window.ThumbsUp.setSize([0.0, 0.0]);
//Deleted lots of code here for brevity
// *ThumbsUp* updates
if (t >= 0.0 && ThumbsUp.status === PsychoJS.Status.NOT_STARTED) {
// keep track of start time/frame for later
ThumbsUp.tStart = t; // (not accounting for frame time here)
ThumbsUp.frameNStart = frameN; // exact frame index
frameRemains = 0.0 + 100000 - psychoJS.window.monitorFramePeriod * 0.75; // most of one frame period left
if ((ThumbsUp.status === PsychoJS.Status.STARTED || ThumbsUp.status === PsychoJS.Status.FINISHED) && t >= frameRemains) {
if (ThumbsUp.status === PsychoJS.Status.STARTED){ // only update if being drawn
// check for quit (typically the Esc key)
if (psychoJS.experiment.experimentEnded || psychoJS.eventManager.getKeys({keyList:['escape']}).length > 0) {
return quitPsychoJS('The [Escape] key was pressed. Goodbye!', false);
// check if the Routine should terminate
if (!continueRoutine) { // a component has requested a forced-end of Routine
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
continueRoutine = false; // reverts to True if at least one component still running
for (const thisComponent of tracking_trialComponents)
if ('status' in thisComponent && thisComponent.status !== PsychoJS.Status.FINISHED) {
continueRoutine = true;
// refresh the screen if continuing
if (continueRoutine) {
return Scheduler.Event.FLIP_REPEAT;
} else {
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
function tracking_trialRoutineEnd(snapshot) {
return function () {
//------Ending Routine 'tracking_trial'-------
for (const thisComponent of tracking_trialComponents) {
if (typeof thisComponent.setAutoDraw === 'function') {
// the Routine "tracking_trial" was not non-slip safe, so reset the non-slip timer
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
function endLoopIteration(scheduler, snapshot) {
// ------Prepare for next entry------
return function () {
if (typeof snapshot !== 'undefined') {
// ------Check if user ended loop early------
if (snapshot.finished) {
// Check for and save orphaned data
if (psychoJS.experiment.isEntryEmpty()) {
} else {
const thisTrial = snapshot.getCurrentTrial();
if (typeof thisTrial === 'undefined' || !('isTrials' in thisTrial) || thisTrial.isTrials) {
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
function importConditions(currentLoop) {
return function () {
return Scheduler.Event.NEXT;
function quitPsychoJS(message, isCompleted) {
// Check for and save orphaned data
if (psychoJS.experiment.isEntryEmpty()) {
psychoJS.quit({message: message, isCompleted: isCompleted});
return Scheduler.Event.QUIT;
Anyone have any ideas how to get the image to appear multiple times for my purposes?