I was contacted by a person trying to do my experiment that it didn’t work. After solving the “experiment stuck on initialising” and “couldn’t download file” issues, I now run into this error message:
I do have two loops in my experiment and I now added a third with 1 rep and no spreadsheet, like you suggested. That however did not solve the problem, nor the error.
Interestingly I found out that the experiment.js that they use differs in my browser from the one I have (and the one in gitlab). Additionally I found this error code:
ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: currentLoop
async function updateInfo() {
currentLoop = psychoJS.experiment; // right now there are no loops
expInfo[‘date’] = util.MonotonicClock.getDateStr(); // add a simple timestamp
expInfo[‘expName’] = expName;
expInfo[‘psychopyVersion’] = ‘2024.1.5’;
expInfo[‘OS’] = window.navigator.platform;