OS: Mac OS Mavericks, Win10
PsychoPy version** (e.g. 1.85.0):
Standard Standalone? yes.
What I am trying to achieve:
I want to show each participant a 15-minute movie and record multiple responses from them while it plays (which keys were pressed, and when). Ideally the timing would be from each of a number of set points in the video, but I would be content with having all of the response times measured from the beginning of the video. Any suggestions/help gratefully received!
Dear Jon,
Thanks very much for the speedy and helpful reply. I did notice that I could record multiple responses using “save all”, but everything was in a single, comma-dlimited row when I looked at the .csv file. I thought that might cause me problems. However your answer has led me to think again, and it seems that’s not such a big problem: I could write a macro in Excel to convert the row into a column of values easily enough.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank you for producing such a useful program, let alone providing all the support. I use it a lot for student projects, and the fact that it is so easy to use (at a basic level) plus the fact that programs usually transfer so well between Macs and PCS so well, are real assets in that respect. Thank you!
Best Wishes,