I’m having the same issue on my mac. I ran the above code and this is what I received:
Last login: Tue Apr 26 10:11:35 on console
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh
For more details, please visit Use zsh as the default shell on your Mac - Apple Support.
(base) Brookes-Air:~ brookejac55$ cat ~/.psychopy3/last_app_load.log
PTB-INFO: Using modified PortAudio V19.7.0-devel, revision unknown
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/psychopy/app/_psychopyApp.py”, line 648, in MacOpenFile
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/psychopy/app/_psychopyApp.py”, line 584, in newBuilderFrame
self.builder = BuilderFrame(None, -1,
File “/Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/psychopy/app/builder/builder.py”, line 133, in init
self.dpi = self.app.dpi
AttributeError: ‘PsychoPyApp’ object has no attribute ‘dpi’
0.5206 DEBUG Opening message catalog /Applications/PsychoPy.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/psychopy/localization/…/app/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGE/messages.mo for locale en_US
5.0817 WARNING /Users/brookejac55/.psychopy3/fonts/Consolas.truetype doesn’t have valid font family name
5.1194 WARNING /Users/brookejac55/.psychopy3/fonts/Consolas.truetype doesn’t have valid font family name
5.1718 WARNING /Users/brookejac55/.psychopy3/fonts/Consolas.truetype doesn’t have valid font family name
5.2021 WARNING /Users/brookejac55/.psychopy3/fonts/Consolas.truetype doesn’t have valid font family name
6.4110 INFO Loaded SoundDevice with PortAudio V19.6.0-devel, revision 396fe4b6699ae929d3a685b3ef8a7e97396139a4
6.4111 INFO sound is using audioLib: sounddevice
6.4111 WARNING We strongly recommend you activate the PTB sound engine in PsychoPy prefs as the preferred audio engine. Its timing is vastly superior. Your prefs are currently set to use [‘sounddevice’, ‘PTB’, ‘pyo’, ‘pygame’] (in that order).
6.9658 DEBUG PsychoPyApp: Received Mac file dropped event
7.0273 WARNING /Users/brookejac55/.psychopy3/fonts/Consolas.truetype doesn’t have valid font family name
7.0581 WARNING /Users/brookejac55/.psychopy3/fonts/Consolas.truetype doesn’t have valid font family name
7.3603 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
7.3603 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
7.3604 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
7.3604 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
7.3604 WARNING image was set to update during ISI_load_images Static Component, but that component no longer exists
7.6522 DEBUG PavloviaLoggedIn
8.4228 DEBUG Started sendUsageStats at 3.910064697265625e-05
8.7960 WARNING Couldn’t connect to psychopy.org
Check internet settings (and proxy setting in PsychoPy Preferences.
8.9175 DEBUG Finished sendUsageStats at 0.4946720600128174
8.9176 DEBUG Started checkForUpdates at 0.4948389530181885
9.4903 DEBUG Finished checkForUpdates at 1.0675182342529297
9.4904 DEBUG Started checkNews at 1.067634105682373
11.0801 DEBUG Finished checkNews at 2.6570961475372314
11.0802 DEBUG Started showTips at 2.6573259830474854
11.0826 DEBUG Finished showTips at 2.659738063812256
11.0827 DEBUG Started updateVersionChooser at 2.6598100662231445
11.6162 DEBUG Finished updateVersionChooser at 3.1931231021881104
11.6164 DEBUG Started showNews at 3.1935460567474365
11.6173 DEBUG Finished showNews at 3.194387912750244
11.6214 DEBUG Started getPavloviaUser at 3.198514223098755
13.1801 DEBUG Finished getPavloviaUser at 4.7570960521698
18.6353 DEBUG PsychoPyApp: Received Mac file dropped event
18.7247 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2020_10_04 15:36’]
Generating PsychoPy script…
Running: /Users/brookejac55/Desktop/PsychoPy Programs/test_lastrun.py
21.7374 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2020_10_04 15:36’]
2022-04-27 12:38:07.396 python[4098:206126] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/5z/sr8d9b496rs4vj2d9qnvsm680000gn/T/org.opensciencetools.psychopy.savedState
################ Experiment ended with exit code -4 [pid:4098] #################
41.0358 DEBUG PsychoPyApp: Received Mac file dropped event
43.2024 WARNING Parameter deviceNumber has unrecognised inputType “int”
53.6279 WARNING Parameter deviceNumber has unrecognised inputType “int”
59.5920 DEBUG PsychoPyApp: Received Mac file dropped event
Generating PsychoPy script…
Running: /Users/brookejac55/Desktop/PsychoPy Programs/old/Psychopy_Joystick/joystick-test copy_lastrun.py
532.3735 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2020_10_04 15:36’]
2022-04-27 13:04:40.701 python[4214:212927] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/5z/sr8d9b496rs4vj2d9qnvsm680000gn/T/org.opensciencetools.psychopy.savedState
################ Experiment ended with exit code -4 [pid:4214] #################
Generating PsychoPy script…
Running: /Users/brookejac55/Desktop/PsychoPy Programs/old/Psychopy_Joystick/joystick-test copy_lastrun.py
645.9304 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2020_10_04 15:36’]
2022-04-27 13:06:33.651 python[4239:214873] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/5z/sr8d9b496rs4vj2d9qnvsm680000gn/T/org.opensciencetools.psychopy.savedState
################ Experiment ended with exit code -4 [pid:4239] #################
PsychoJS libs downloaded to /Users/brookejac55/Desktop/PsychoPy Programs/old/Psychopy_Joystick/lib
Local server started!
Running PsychoJS task from /Users/brookejac55/Desktop/PsychoPy Programs/old/Psychopy_Joystick
735.5570 DEBUG PsychoPyApp: Showing prefs dlg
Generating PsychoPy script…
Running: /Users/brookejac55/Desktop/PsychoPy Programs/old/Psychopy_Joystick/joystick-test copy_lastrun.py
766.6081 INFO Loaded monitor calibration from [‘2020_10_04 15:36’]
2022-04-27 13:08:35.045 python[4292:217192] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to /var/folders/5z/sr8d9b496rs4vj2d9qnvsm680000gn/T/org.opensciencetools.psychopy.savedState
################ Experiment ended with exit code -4 [pid:4292] #################
(base) Brookes-Air:~ brookejac55$