OS (e.g. Win10): Win11 22H2
PsychoPy version (e.g. 1.84.x): 2023.2.1
Standard Standalone? (y/n) yes
What are you trying to achieve?: Run experiments made in previous versions of Psychopy
What specifically went wrong when you tried that?:
I updated to the last Psychopy version and had the error down bellow while trying to run some experiments made on previous versions, which is all my current experiments and some of the new ones under development. No previous version was older than 2022.1.4 (I was building the experiments at home and at work. Different computers with different psychopy versions. Newer at work). I have already tried to run using the āUse Psychopy versionā resource and it works fine. I am posting this just in case it is some sort of bug worth checking.
File "D:\Google Drive\Meu Drive\Pesquisa\Medicina\23.1 Trabalhadores em turnos e as funƧƵes executivas (ThaĆs e Stella)\Experimento\ShiftWorkers.py", line 9437, in <module>
logFile = setupLogging(filename=thisExp.dataFileName)
File "D:\Google Drive\Meu Drive\Pesquisa\Medicina\23.1 Trabalhadores em turnos e as funƧƵes executivas (ThaĆs e Stella)\Experimento\ShiftWorkers.py", line 153, in setupLogging
return logFile
NameError: name 'logFile' is not defined
################ Experiment ended with exit code 1 [pid:26968] #################