Windows 11, PsychoPy 2022.1.2, pyglet 1.4.11
My team and I are developing a panel of cognitive tasks and since a few days we are struggling with this warning, which keeps displaying on the terminal:
Exception ignored in : <bound method ImageStim.__del__ of <psychopy.visual.image.ImageStim object at 0x000002425889A630>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\iCRIN_server\PycharmProjects\seven_diff\venv\lib\site-packages\psychopy\visual\", line 197, in __del__
GL.glDeleteLists(self._listID, 1)
File "C:\Users\iCRIN_server\PycharmProjects\seven_diff\venv\lib\site-packages\pyglet\gl\", line 106 in errcheck
raise GLException(msg) b'invalid operation'
This warning appends right after I call the visual.ImageStim function.
We really don’t understand where it could come from
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
I get the same warning also, and in the same place (actually on line 200 of now, due to the newer Psychopy version). I’m on:
Windows 10, PsychoPy 2023.2.3, pyglet 1.4.11
Is there any update? FWIW, I googled the issue and found numerous situations where pyglet returns raises 'Invalid Operation", but if I include “del” in my query, this is the top result. It seems like it may be psychopy specific after all.
I get the same warning also.
Windows 10, PsychoPy 2023.2.3, pyglet 1.4.11
Is there any update?
I would add that this issue appeared after upgrading from 2021.2.3. There was a fix provided before that release in 2020.2.7rc1 for a related issue. But as we were not having the issue on 2021.2.3 and the first report on this issue was at 2022.1.2, perhaps something broke in between?
FWIW, we updated our NVIDIA graphics driver to see if that fixed the issue but it did not.