URL of experiment:
Description of the problem:
I am drafting a vocabulary test on psychopy and it is a MCQ question with sound played and participant select the correct choice. After the selection, the selected image will have border displayed, they can choose to press the replay_1 button to hear the word again or press next_1 botton for next trial.
Everything is ok on psychopy level, however, when running on browser or psychoJS, when pressing next_1 button it ends the whole experiment instead of the routine, with no error message neither in message box or browser console.
Meanwhile, the replay_1 button when being pressed give out no response at all, and when on trial 2, it plays the sound for trial 1 and continue to play sound for trial n-1 for trial n. While I have made sure that the condition file is correctly structured.
Here is my python and JS code for each frame section:
Initialize selected_image variable to None at each frame start
Check for mouse clicks on image components
for i in range(len(images)):
if click_1.isPressedIn(images[i]): # Check if the click is on image i
# Reset all borders and highlight the selected one
for border in borders:
border.opacity = 0
borders[i].opacity = 1
selected_image = images[i].name # Update the selected image
Check for ‘replay_1’ button click to replay sound
if click_1.isPressedIn(replay_1): # Check if the replay button is clicked
sound_2.stop() # Stop the current sound to avoid overlap
sound_2.play() # Play the sound again
Check for ‘next_1’ button click to end the trial
if click_1.isPressedIn(next_1): # Check if the next button is clicked
if selected_image: # Check if there is a selected image
thisExp.addData(‘selectedImage’, selected_image)
thisExp.addData(‘selectedImage’, ‘’) # Add empty string if no image is selected
continueRoutine = False # End this routine, proceed to the next trial in the loop
selected_image = null;
let routineShouldContinue = true; // This will control the routine loop
// Check for mouse clicks on image components
images.forEach((image, index) => {
if (click_1.isPressedIn(image)) {
// Reset all borders’ opacity
borders.forEach(border => border.opacity = 0);
// Highlight the selected image
borders[index].opacity = 1;
selected_image = image.name;
// Check for ‘replay_1’ button click to replay sound
if (click_1.isPressedIn(replay_1)) {
sound_2.stop(); // Ensure any currently playing sound is stopped
sound_2.play(); // Play the sound again
// Check for ‘next_1’ button click to end the trial
if (click_1.isPressedIn(next_1)) {
if (selected_image) {
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“selectedImage”, selected_image);
} else {
psychoJS.experiment.addData(“selectedImage”, “”);
routineShouldContinue = false; // Signal that the routine should not continue
// At the end of each frame, check whether to continue the routine
if (!routineShouldContinue) {
continueRoutine = false; // End this routine, proceed to the next trial in the loop
Could anyone enlighten me what could be the cause and solutions? Thank you so much!
Many thanks!
untitled.psyexp (42.8 KB)