Hey there,
What I want: to loop a 1-second ‘A’ tone plus a 3-second silence interval for five iterations.
What I’ve done:
# set audio engine
from psychopy import prefs
prefs.hardware['audioLib'] = ['PTB']
# import modules
from psychopy import sound, visual
# check audio engine
# window object
my_window = visual.Window(fullscr = True)
# durations
dur_sound = 1 # seconds
dur_silence = 3 # seconds
fra_silence = int(round((dur_sound + dur_silence)/my_window.monitorFramePeriod)) # frames
# sound object
my_sound = sound.Sound(value = 'A', secs = dur_sound, volume = 0.05, sampleRate = 44100)
# store tones onsets
onsets = []
# main loop
for i in range(5):
t_next_flip = my_window.getFutureFlipTime(clock = 'ptb') # next flip time in seconds
onsets.append(t_next_flip) # append tone onset to list
my_sound.play(when = t_next_flip) # schedule tone
for frame in range(fra_silence):
# exit window
# remove baseline time
onsets = [x - onsets[0] for x in onsets]
Why I did it: I used sound scheduling and PTB library following the recommendations found here.
What I want to know:
Is this a proper way to manage audio playing? I wanted to have the best precission setting the onsets of the tones, that’s why I used frames as time unit.
If I introduce a component to get user-feedback via keyboard (to measure reaction times), will I get too much delay?